
Humble Double Fine Bundle offers pre-order for Broken Age

Humble Double Fine Bundle offers preorder for Broken Age

The latest Humble Bundle is all about Double Fine and it includes a pre-order for Broken Age, the game formerly known as Double Fine Adventure on Kickstarter. To secure a pre-order for Broken Age on Steam (PC, Mac and Linux), pay $35 or more.

This price will easily net buyers the "pay what you want" games – Costume Quest, Psychonauts and Stacking – and at the moment grabs the "pay more than the average" game, Brutal Legend. Since Double Fine saw such success with tiered payments in the past, there's one more option: Pay $70 or more to get all those games and a Double Fine Bundle t-shirt in black or cream.

As always, Humble Bundle payments can be allotted among Humble Bundle itself, Double Fine, and charities Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Humble Double Fine bundle will be available for two weeks, with the clock starting today, May 7.