
New Nintendo eShop releases: Animal Crossing, Yoshi, Sengoku 3

The biggest news on the Nintendo eShop this week is definitely the release of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It hits the eShop on June 9 and, in case you didn't hear, we really enjoyed it. Meanwhile, Wii U Virtual Console picks up Spelunker today, and it gets Yoshi – the NES puzzle game – on June 12. The Wii also gets some Virtual Console love with Sengoku 3.

Trine 2: Directors Cut for Wii U is on sale for $9.99 until 9am Pacific on June 27. Finally, Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth has received a permanent price drop to $29.99.

Wii U

  • Yoshi (Nintendo, 1 players, $0.30, available June 12)

  • Spelunker (Tozai Games, 1 player, $4.99)

3DS eShop
