
NetNewsWire 4 enters open beta, gives Mac owners a new, local RSS reader option

As Google Reader's closing in on the end of its days, a spate of new RSS aggregators have popped up to replace it. Sure, web-based readers from AOL, Digg or Feedly could do the trick, but what if you want your RSS stored locally? You're in luck, because one of the elder statesmen in the RSS world, NetNewsWire, has what you need with its version 4 open beta. This new beta is a more refined version of NetNewsWire 4 Lite, which was released in 2011, and will allow folks to pull down all their GReader archives and store them locally for free while it's in beta. The catch? You've gotta be running Mac OS X 10.7.3 or later, and while the beta's free for now, the software will cost you once it's final -- $10 dollars for those who pre-order, and $20 after that.