
Driveclub delayed to early 2014

Sony confirmed the rumored last-minute delay to PS4 launch game Driveclub, pushing back the Evolution Studios racer to "early 2014." Vaudevillian puzzle-platformer Contrast will take Driveclub's place as one of the two PS Plus games available at the PS4's launch, the other being Resogun. Sony Worldwide Studios chief Shuhei Yoshida assured fans a PS Plus version of Driveclub will still be available when the game is eventually released.

Writing on the PS Blog, Yoshida said Driveclub requires more development time before it can deliver on Evolution Studios and Sony's vision: "We understand that the delay is disappointing news, but can assure you that the reason we have made this decision is to ensure that when Driveclub launches, it will realize the next-gen racing vision."

Driveclub is the second PS4 launch game to be delayed this week, although Ubisoft's Watch Dogs is multiplatform in contrast. Yoshida moved to allay fears over the dwindling line-up, name-checking Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Assassin's Creed 4, FIFA 14, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Battlefield 4 as some of the remaining PS4 launch games.

"A broad portfolio of games will be available on PS4 before the end of the year," Yoshida added, "And with games such Infamous Second Son, The Order 1886, Destiny, Watch Dogs and now Driveclub coming next year, the strength of the software line-up on PS4 is unprecedented."