
Icy Veins opens final voting for annual Christmas Card Contest

Icy Veins, home of some of the most popular and up to date class and raid guides, has opened up the final round of voting for their annual Christmas Card Contest. The contest asked for the best original WoW-themed Christmas Cards that readers could come up with, and did readers ever deliver -- out of a staggering 159 entries, 20 were chosen to move on to the final round for voting. Winners of the contest will receive some amazing prize packages from J!NX, TypeFrag, Curse, Ask Mr. Robot and Blizzard.

But that's enough about the prizes. What's really cool are the cards themselves, a stunning array of artwork, screenshots, and even some real-life photography thrown in for good measure. From wryly funny to incredibly sweet, the wide variety makes the ultimate winner pretty much anyone's guess. To check out the entries and vote, take a look at the official thread on Icy Veins. Voting ends on December 25, so don't dawdle if you'd like your vote to count. Congratulations in advance to the winners!