
GameStick stretch goals include MicroSD support

GameStick hits goal, expanded memory for stretch goals

GameStick, the stick that plays games, already hit its Kickstarter goal of $100,000. But just raising the amount of money you asked for is no fun, so the company behind the tiny Android console has revealed some stretch goals, mostly cosmetic, but also functional at higher tiers.

At $320,000, buyers will have the option to purchase the GameStick in black or white. At $450,000, the device will also be produced in red, along with a fourth color chosen by a Facebook poll. Most importantly, a total of $560,000 or higher will add a MicroSD slot to the console, for expandable memory.

To help bring in these extra pledges, a new option has been added. For $89, you can get a GameStick with a new clear carrying case.

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GameStickAdd Pledge Tiers to Offer Backers An Exclusive GameStick Case

London & San Francisco; January 9th, 2013; As the GameStickcampaign continues to gather support, the team behind Kickstarter´s next success story today announced new stretch goals if they manage to hit higher targets. GameStick raised the initial funding goal of $100,000 in just 30 hours.

"We have been inundated with messages of support and suggestions on how to improve GameStick fromboth the gamers & developers worldwidewho backed our project. Being at the pre-production phase, we have been able to incorporate a lot of these ideas into our roadmap. We were not prepared for that level of input but it has been fantastic." Said Anthony Johnson, CMO, Playjam.

If the campaign reaches $320k, a goal that, following trend analysts Kicktraq, the team will soon hit, GameStick will be made available in both black and white.

Pushing this further the team have also promised that if the campaign moves past $450k the GameStick will then also be available in an additional colour, chosen by vote on GameStick's facebookpage:

"People have asked about ways we can further personalise GameStick and giving people a choice of colour is a great way of achieving this" Said Johnson.

While GameStick provides free cloud storage for games, one of the most popular requests from the Kickstarter community has been for additional memory options so that more content can be carried when on the move. The team have responded with an additional stretch goal of $560K, which will enable the inclusion of a MicroSD slot to facilitate this.

In order to allow existing backers to increase their pledgesand for new backers to have a wider range of options when pledging, an additional tier has been addedwith more in the works.

For $89, an additional $10 for those who have already pledged for the standard GameStick bundle, backers will now also receive a carry case to make transportation of the 'World´s most portable Games Console' even more convenient.

"Kickstarter is proving to be a wild ride for the team behind GameStick. Hitting our original target so early goes to show appetite out there for continued innovation around affordable gaming on the big screen. We want to see how far we can go with this and hope that all those who have pledged will help spread the word to see just how far we can go!" Concluded Johnson.


Additional Colours

GameStcik Carry Case

To visit the Kickstarter page and pledge your support and see all the new tiers, please visit:

To visit the GameStick website for more information or to apply for an SDK please go to:

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