
Sunday Morning Funnies: Going evil

Sunday Morning Funnies     SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

We have a new addition to this week's list! Check out Kibble & Bit! (Thanks for the tip, Puntable1 and KunamiMata!) Read through from the beginning and I'll start posting the latest updates next week.

In other news, Away From Reality has finally hit 250 comics, and is bringing the epic special plot-based storyline to a close. Congratulations on 250 comics, AFR!

Coffin is still down with a bad bout of allergies, so What's Shakin' is still on hold. Trig is still resting (get better!) but is aiming to update next week anyway, presumably because he loves us and/or is bad at resting.

Contested Territory is back from hiatus with Chapter Four! There's also a Facebook page and the artist is looking for tips for getting a new website set up for the comic. If you're good with that sort of thing, send Maiu a message.

Finally, some changes are happening over at GU Comics. The comic is going to shift in focus and format, and a spin-off comic shall be born.