
Feedback Loop: 30 years of Mac, mechanical keyboards, Bitcoin alternatives and more!

Welcome to Feedback Loop, a weekly roundup of the most interesting discussions happening within the Engadget community. There's so much technology to talk about and so little time to enjoy it, but you have a lot of great ideas and opinions that need to be shared! Join us every Saturday as we highlight some of the most interesting discussions that happened during the past week.

Engadget Forums

This week, the Macintosh turned 30, so naturally, we had to share our fondest memories of our first Mac. We also dove into the complex world of mechanical keyboards, examined the potential health benefits of WiFi-connected LED lightbulbs, discussed the viability of Bitcoin alternatives and asked about the best laptops for software development. Click past the break and read what fellow Engadget users like you have to say.

What was your first Mac?

Thirty years ago, the Macintosh kicked off the personal computer revolution and created a generation of passionate and lovable fanboys. We took a moment to reflect on the past three decades and shared stories about our first Mac. I remember that start-up chime and new computer smell like it was yesterday. What was your first Mac and why did you get it? Share your story with the Engadget community.

Mechanical keyboard suggestions

Mechanical keyboard nerds, we have one question: What's your favorite type of switch? PhilipPalermo is putting together a new desktop PC and wants to change things up by getting a new mechanical keyboard. What should he get to complete his new custom setup? Do you have a preferred type? Cherry Browns, Cherry Reds or, perhaps, Cherry Blues? Sound off in our forums and let us know which keys are pleasing your fingers the most!

Health benefits of connected LED lights

Products like the Philips Hue and LIFX offer users the ability to customize and control their home lighting from almost anywhere. Billysundays argues that these WiFi-connected bulbs aren't just luxury items, they're also actually essential to our health. Have you picked up one of these smartbulbs and noticed an extra pep in your step or a more frequent smile on your face? Or are these newfangled bulbs just a passing fad best suited to dorm room parties? Tell us what you think.

Litecoin vs. Bitcoin

Bitcoin is all the rage right now, but there are tons of other cryptocurrencies. Dogecoin, Coinye (now defunct), Litecoin and so many more. CookieMuncher wants to know if anyone is using these alternatives to Bitcoin. Are you able to reliably buy goods and services with them? Or are you hoarding them and hoping to eventually strike it rich? Give us your two cents.

Laptop suggestions for coding

Software development is demanding, and for some it's more than a full-time job. Jausions wants something that will let him code on the go and he's looking for a powerful 15-inch laptop to get his programming on (preferably of the non-Apple variety). What should he be using to get the job done?

That's all this week! Do you want to talk about your favorite gadget or have a burning question about technology? Register for an Engadget account today, visit the Engadget forums and start a new discussion!