
Make My MMO: Crowdfunding February 23 - March 1, 2014

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This week's Make My MMO adds Trials of Ascension's Light the Forge campaign, which is Chaos Forge's company-specific (i.e., non-Kickstarter) bid to raise $40,000. The fantasy sandbox canceled its initial Kickstarter campaign because it "failed in showing its true potential," according to a news posting on the ToA website.

If the Light the Forge drive is successful, the devs will use the $40,000 to finish the game's demo and return to Kickstarter in the hopes of attracting additional funding. Head past the cut for a breakdown of other crowdfunded MMO projects for the week ending March 1st, 2014.

Current campaigns

Dream a little dream, get a little green, and before long you'll have your very own MMO... at least that's what these developers are hoping! Games seeking funding to make their plans a reality are listed in this section.

The Chosen (Fair Games Productions): Open donations, end date April 25

  • A sci-fi space exploration MMOFPS touting ship design and a player-driven economy.

Citadel of Sorcery (MMO Magic, Inc.): Open donations, no end date

  • A vast, dynamic world where nothing is set in stone and each player will experience the game in very different ways

  • Massively interview

Gloria Victis (Black Eye Games): Open donations, no end date

  • Fantasy medieval setting with a classless system and unrestricted character development

  • Realistic weather system

  • Greenlit on Steam

Neo's Land (NeoJac Entertainment): Open donations, no end date

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen (Visionary Realms): Open donations, no end date

Terrayn (Code Mushroom): Kickstarter campaign ends March 17th, 2014

Trials of Ascension (Forged Chaos): Light the Forge, ends at $40,000 raised

  • Skill-based sandbox MMORPG

Fully funded

Success has its privileges, including a spot in this section! Games that have reached their crowdfunding goals and that are currently being developed are listed here. Once a game reaches the closed testing stage, it will move to the hallowed halls of Betawatch.

Kickstarter puts the the fate of fledgling MMOs in the hands of gamers. Which will live and which will die? Check the pulse of MMO crowdfunding with Massively's Jef Reahard every Wednesday in Make My MMO. And for a look at non-MMO crowdfunding, don't forget Joystiq's Crowdfund Bookie.