
Respawn co-founder Zampella jumpstarts new mobile game studio

Vince Zampella, co-creator of the Call of Duty series and co-founder of Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment, has partnered with slot machine industry veteran Larry Pacey to form a new mobile game studio, VentureBeat reports.

The pair's new Los Angeles-based company, Nuclear Division, currently employs less than a dozen people, but has the potential to expand to around 50 employees, Pacey estimates. Zampella initially planned to introduce mobile game development at Respawn, but decided to split off into a separate venture so that the Titanfall studio could continue to focus on console games.

Zampella assured VentureBeat that he has no plans to abandon console development, and hopes that his new venture will benefit Respawn. "I would apply learnings from this back to Respawn, and I think that would help future-proof both of these companies," he said.

[Image: Nuclear Division]