
Swords and Soldiers carving up Wii U on May 22

Swords and Soldiers HD, Two Tribes' hi-res port of Awesomenauts developer Ronimo Games' first game, will launch on the Wii U eShop next Thursday, May 22. The game will arrive simultaneously in North America and Europe, and will cost $2.99 (2.99 euros).

Two Tribes announced the HD port in March, years after the game's first arrival on Wii in North America in June 2009. Swords and Soldiers HD will retain the original game's levels while featuring both Wii Remote and Game Pad touch-screen controls, a multiplayer mode and higher-resolution visuals. The tower defense game has found a home on many platforms, including Steam in December 2010 and PSN in September 2010.

[Image: Two Tribes]