
Sony's PlayStation TV is coming to Europe on November 14th

Microsoft's already taken the stage at Gamescom to show us what's next for Xbox, and now it is Sony's turn to do the same with PlayStation. Today, in Cologne, Germany, the Japanese outfit announced that its micro-console, the PlayStation TV, will be available in Europe starting November 14th. SCEE worldwide studios SVP Michael Denny said PlayStation TV, also known as PS Vita TV, is set to hit European shelves bundled with three digital games, priced at 99 euros. According to Sony's teaser video, which you can watch after the break, the titles included are OlliOlli, Velocity Ultra and Worms Revolution Extreme. The tiny streaming box was released in Japan on November 14th of last year, so it has taken Sony quite a while to bring it to The Old Continent. Earlier, Sony revealed it has now sold over 10 million PS4s to date, making it obvious that demand for the console hasn't slowed down a bit since its debut.