
Apple just sold more Macs than iPods for the first time in a decade

apple ipod sales

The iPad and iPhone are both selling extremely well these days, but Apple's other portable, the iPod, is having a rough go of things. Being replaced by smartphones as the default mobile music player of choice, the iPod dipped to under 15 million units sold in fiscal 2014, which means two things: The iPod's bottom has not yet been reached, and the Mac just outsold Apple's dedicated media player for the first time since 2003.

As Mac continues to defy logic -- gaining ground while the entire rest of the PC industry is seeing huge losses -- it has eclipsed the iPod. This is great news for Mac, but it also means that the iPod is now officially the poorest selling of Apple's primary product lines.

But don't expect Apple to axe the iPod brand any time soon; That's still 14 million sales of a device that has been largely untouched since early 2013, and which still has fantastic profit margins. It remains the go-to musical accessory for millions, and those who doesn't want to strap an increasingly large smartphone to their arm during a morning run continue to prove that the iPod is still relevant.

[Chart via]