
Breakfast Topic: What expansion feature do you want to see next?

Earlier this week, we learned that work is already underway on the next expansion, which is interesting in and of itself. Naturally that means that things like story and lore are probably already in the process of being fleshed out. But with every expansion there's usually one or more fairly big things -- Heroic Dungeons, the LFG system, LFR, Transmog, Scenarios, Garrisons. You know what I mean, the kinds of features that players use again and again, the stuff that we eventually have for so long that we only vaguely remember what the game was like without it. Remember the original meeting stones? Yeah, I can't exactly say I'm unhappy that they're gone.

It's almost kind of magical how Blizzard is still coming up with all these innovative things ten years after the game originally launched. But even with all the additions, there are still some things I'd really like to see. Garrisons are all well and good, but the housing system in Wildstar is still a magical playground of infinite possibilities, the kind of possibilities I'd very much like to see in World of Warcraft. Level 90 boosts are fine, but I still want to see some sort of championing system that will allow you to scale down and join your friends in lower-level dungeons without overpowering said dungeons, or maybe even just go the other direction and have every dungeon in the game just automatically scale to whatever level you happen to be. Level 100 Gnomeregan? Let's do this.

What about you guys? What kind of expansion features are you hoping for with future content? Is there a cool thing you've seen in other games that you'd like to see implemented in WoW? Is there a feature already in game that you'd like to see updated or overhauled for current content? If expansion content is already underway, and future expansions are already planned, what do you hope will be the next big thing, and how do you think it could work?