
Nest's first home camera will look familiar, but its app won't

If you've been wondering what kind of home monitoring camera Nest would make after buying Dropcam... well, don't expect a revolution. Droid-Life has posted leaked details revealing that the companies' first joint product, nicknamed the Nest Cam, looks similar to earlier Dropcam models. The biggest hardware changes should be 1080p video streaming and simpler pairing through Bluetooth. This last part might have been confirmed in a recent FCC filing.

The biggest change may be an overhaul to Nest's mobile app. On top of a brand new, decidedly more modern-looking interface, the software will treat these cameras like other Nest devices -- you could check both the temperature and your living room security in one place. As for when you'll see all this? Nest is known to be holding an event on June 17th, and it wouldn't be surprising if a camera shows up for the occasion.