
Play 'Overwatch' for free all next weekend

Whether you're on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, you can see what everyone's talking about.

Blizzard Entertainment

If you already aren't one of Overwatch's 20 million players, developer Blizzard Entertainment wants to fix that. Starting next Friday at 1pm Eastern, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners can play the wildly popular shooter for free. And this isn't just a limited slice of the game, either. The entire roster of heroes and maps are available across Quick Play, Custom Games and the Weekly Brawl.

What's more, you'll also have access to Loot Boxes containing bits like character skins and graffiti tags. Best of all? Your progress and unlocked items will carry over to the full game should you decide to buy it. That's assuming you buy it on the same platform you played. My tip for newcomers? Start out playing as Mercy. Trust me.