
TripAdvisor adds GrubHub food delivery to its travel tools

If you'd rather not use Yelp's Eat24, there's this.


GrubHub makes it pretty easy to scrounge up food when you don't feel like picking it up yourself, and now the food-delivery company wants to extend that to how you eat when traveling. Travel site TripAdvisor has announced that starting today, when you're planning your next vacation and mulling options for dining and entertainment in some 1,100 cities, GrubHub's network of restaurants will be in the mix. The companies say that if you see the "order online" button next to a listing, clicking it will redirect to GrubHub's website.

This marks another step toward GrubHub putting itself in more places where it makes sense. This past March, the company added a skill to Amazon's Alexa platform that enables users to order food with their voice.

Should GrubHub and TripAdvisor take this relationship further, hopefully the names don't change. After all, GrubAdvisor sounds more like an information repository for how to get rid of the moles plaguing your backyard than it does a service for ordering food while jet-setting.