
Facebook fights bogus live streams with stricter rules

You need a real reason to start broadcasting.


Ever run into a Facebook Live stream that's little more than an attention grabber for something that could have been done with an ordinary post? Facebook has -- and it's fed up. The social network has updated its developer policies to explicitly forbid live videos that are "only images" (including animated images) or polls linked to largely inanimate material. In essence, it wants truly live video, whether it's professional news or an impromptu feed from your friend's party.

The stricter approach is really a reflection of Facebook's ongoing attempts to get its livestreaming under control. Just as it doesn't want people broadcasting crimes on Facebook, it also doesn't want your News Feed cluttered with "live" videos that are merely attempts to stand out from the crowd. The more you can trust the quality of Facebook Live, the more likely you are to use it instead of turning to alternatives like Periscope or YouTube.