
'Spider-Man' developer teams up with Oculus for 'Stormland'

This VR-based first-person shooter wants you to save an alien planet as an android gardener.

Whether you're a fan of Ratchet and Clank or more of a Resistance person, or you're just looking forward to this year's Spider-Man title, you've got to admit that Insomniac Games makes some pretty great stuff. Now Insomniac and Oculus Studios have released a trailer for a brand-new VR game, Stormland.

There's no word on release dates or platforms as yet, but the trailer looks pretty stunning, showing a lush, open world that might remind you of Horizon Zero Dawn, with an adorably humanoid robot that seems to get its power from the natural world (echoes of Wall-E, there). You'll play as an android gardener on an alien planet. The Tempest (bad guys) have broken your body, so you need to explore the world to find things to augment and fix yourself.

The developer promises a single and multi-player game that focuses on complete freedom: "Bound up cliffs, glide across chasms, and fly through the slipstream with velocity. Detonate explosives, harness electricity, and wield makeshift weapons to overcome titanium sentries and monolithic guardians." It's not the first virtual reality collaboration between Oculus and Insomniac, of course. The companies previously worked on Feral Rites and The Unspoken together a couple of years ago.