
Alexa can order Dunkin' Donuts upon request

'Hey Alexa, I've got the munchies.'

Dunkin' Donuts wants to be an even bigger part of your morning routine. The bakery chain is adding voice-ordering via Alexa to its futuristic repertoire. Assuming you're a DD Perks Rewards member and have linked the mobile app with Amazon, you can place your order right after your flash briefing each morning and grab it on your commute.

It all sounds pretty simple too. Start by saying, "Alexa, order from Dunkin' Donuts" and then pick from your favorite orders stored within the Dunkin' app. "Alexa, tell Dunkin' Donuts to reorder my last saved favorite," is one way to go about things according to a blog post from the caffeine-and-confection peddler.

Is it revolutionary? Not exactly, but hey, placing an order for a glazed sour cream and black iced coffee by voice before leaving the house is the type of future I can get behind.