
The hottest new Nintendo Switch app is... Calculator!

For only $10!


Who needs the next-generation graphics of Returnal, or the complex narrative of Nier Replicant, when you've got... Calculator! A $10 app now on the Nintendo Switch eShop, it's a "scientific calculator with a clear easy-to-read multi-line display, which should help with those not-so-easy-to-do maths problems." As reported by Eurogamer, Calculator should look familiar to anyone who's used the equivalent iOS app. But that doesn't cost $10! No, this app is special.

As developer Sabec notes, "Calculator has an appealing modern and practical design, sure to be popular with all students and engineers." Indeed, I'm sure many students and engineers will turn to their Switch for math help, rather than the assortment of free options on their smartphones or nearby computers.

Realistically, the only way I see Calculator justifying its existence is if it can prove your Switch can also be an educational tool. What teacher would say no to such a well-designed and practical calculator app? In my day, we had to sneak simple text-based games onto our TI-84 graphing calculators. But now you can easily swap between something pseudo-educational and Fortnite. Kids these days have it all!

Sabec, it should be noted, is also the company behind such legendary Switch titles like Guitar, Bomb, and Bubble. So you just know you're getting your money's worth.