
'Call of Duty: Warzone' gets support for private matches

Texture streaming could reduce how much storage space the game takes up on PC.

Infinity Ward/Raven Software

Call of Duty: Warzone esports are about to get much more intriguing after the latest patch added support for private matches. The feature is in beta and, at the outset, you'll need at least 50 players to start a battle royale match, 30 players for a plunder game and 24 gamers to drop into a mini battle royale. You’ll be able to play with squads in the battle royale and plunder modes.

Until now, many Warzone tournaments have required competitors to battle other random players with a points-based system. Private matches will bring participants together on a level playing field and it could help them to avoid stream sniping. That’s a practice in which someone who's in the same game as a competitor can gain an advantage by watching them play on a live stream.

The patch also has some good news for players who are looking to reduce some of the storage space Warzone vacuums up. PC players will have access to a texture streaming feature, which will download high-resolution textures for Operators and Weapons. The option will only be available for players who set the game's texture resolution to High, but it should help with patch sizes and how much storage room Warzone takes up. You'll be able to set daily limits on texture streaming as well as the size of the cache.

Warzone console players, meanwhile, will have some choice over the texture resolutions for Operators and Weapons. The latest patch has reduced the resolutions a bit. You can download a high-res texture pack if you prefer, but that isn’t recommended for the base PS4 or Xbox One. The patch also includes bug fixes and updates to the Modern Warfare and Warzone playlists.