
Humble Bundle backtracks on charity donation cap plans after a backlash

The sliders will stick around, at least for now.

Humble Bundle

Humble Bundle has ditched plans to get rid of the sliders that let customers decide how their payments for game bundles are split between charities, the company and publishers. There was a swift backlash against the move, and Humble Bundle has turned sliders back on for everyone.

"We’ve heard everyone loud and clear and apologize for the way these changes were rolled out," the Humble Bundle team wrote in a blog post. "We are now taking a moment to pause, collect constructive feedback and be more transparent about the path forward."

The company said last month it would jettison sliders from bundle pages as part of a redesign. After deciding how much to pay for a bundle, customers would only have been able to earmark five or 15 percent for charity, with most of the payment going to publishers.

However, Humble Bundle has backtracked on that plan. The sliders will remain the same, at least for the time being.

Humble Bundle plans to look into "different approaches to the sliders and how splits work, along with new ways to incorporate charity into other parts of the user experience." Whatever the next steps are, the company plans to be more transparent and to seek feedback from the community "beforehand to ensure any changes we make live up to our mission and values." Humble Bundle says it will have more updates to share about sliders and charity contributions soon.