

  • Split/Second dev diary explains the science of 'splosions

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We'll be straight with you guys -- though we thoroughly enjoyed Black Rock and Disney's frantic racer Split/Second, we weren't expecting the developer diary posted above, which focuses on what went into designing the title, to be quite so scientific. We thought most exchanges during the game's creation would break down like so: Developer: "Should I put an explosion here?" Lead Developer: "You absolutely should put an explosion there." Developer: "And one around the corner?" Lead Developer: "It would be irresponsible to not put one around the corner." Developer: "What about this fuel truck? Should this explode?" Lead Developer: "Stop what you're doing right now, so that I can high-five you." While we're certain this conversation occurred at least once at the Black Rock offices, the actual design of the game required a bit more sophistication that that. Check out the video above to find out what considerations really went into Split/Second's creation.

  • Review: Split/Second

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Do you remember that part at the end of Return of the Jedi, where Lando is flying the Millennium Falcon through a corridor as the Death Star itself explodes around him? Remember how exciting it was, when he just barely cleared the exit, a plume of flames and spaceship debris chasing mere hundredths of seconds behind? Split/Second isn't a game that glorifies the fundamentals of racing. These are represented, sure; folks familiar with the genre will likely be drifting and drafting onto the podium within the first few races. More than that, though, Split/Second rewards players who quickly master the art of catastrophe evasion -- an art which frequently requires you to navigate cinematic hazards mimicking Lando's narrow escape. It's a winning recipe that provides some of the most satisfying thrills I've ever experienced while behind the wheel of a virtual automobile. %Gallery-47488%

  • Split/Second game modes pit car against helicopter

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We all know the best way to take down a helicopter -- been there, done that -- but this new Split/Second trailer shows us how to do it while behind the wheel of a race car. Enter: game modes Air Strike and Air Revenge. In Air Strike mode, you must try to survive as long as you can, racing around a track while an attack chopper fires missiles at you from above. You're granted three lives and the longer you last, the better you do. Aside from how unfair it is to have to dodge missiles, it's a pretty self-explanatory mode. Air Revenge puts a twist on Air Strike by allowing you to retaliate against your airborne nemesis. By avoiding missiles, you earn power instead of points, allowing you to jam the chopper's radar and send its own ordinance flying back at it. Take down the chopper, and you win. All these words too much for you? Visual learners need simply hit the play button up top.

  • Split/Second trailer explains the (even more dangerous) 'Survival' mode

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Some folks drive for the thrill. Some folks drive for the money. Some folks drive because it's all they know how to do. Some folks, though? They drive to survive. Specifically, we're talking about people who are playing Split/Second's "Survival" mode, which doesn't require speed as much as it requires ... not dying. Okay, you also need some speed as well, so you can outscore your equally endangered opponents. Also, precision, so that you don't hit the explosive barrels, of which there are many. As it turns out, you need a lot of things -- as the mode's debut trailer (posted above) can attest.

  • Split/Second trailer trashes a power plant

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you've ever doubted that there can be beauty in destruction, you only need hit the play button on the video above. This particular spotlight on Split/Second packs in enough explosives and mayhem to create one truly epic tour of the game's power plant level. Thankfully, it also doesn't skimp on offering a brief glimpse at other locales. Have you ever seen a freight train explode? How about an entire power plant? We haven't seen this many explosions since Rambo: First Blood Part II.

  • Split/Second demo now on Xbox Live, races to PSN May 11

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The just-released single-player Split/Second demo, now available on Xbox Live to all subscribers, teaches you the most important thing about driving a race car through America: how to dodge massive explosions. One in 253 race car drivers meets their maker like that every year, you know. PS3 owners will be able to join in on May 11th and hurtle through the Airport Terminal level in race mode, triggering environmental destruction and aeronautical disaster on the way to the finish line. Split/Second hits retail on May 18.

  • Split/Second shows off 'power plays' in latest video

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It's weird talking about Split/Second at this stage in its race to retail. Black Rock Studios has already proven itself to be an impressively competent studio with the under-appreciated Pure and there's nothing about our numerous experiences with Split/Second that make us think this game will crash and burn. The latest video released for the game shows how the "power plays" will work. If you don't recognize the term, you may know them as the "environment is coming to kill you" moments. Only a little over three weeks to go until May 18, when players can start their engines and drop a building on their opponents. %Gallery-47488%

  • Video: A Split/Second primer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you've missed all our hands-on coverage of upcoming racer Split/Second and if, somehow, you've failed to watch a single trailer, then this post is for you. The video above, which profiles Black Rock Studios, essentially serves as an introduction to all things Split/Second. If you can't be bothered to watch -- again -- we'll sum up: You get to blow up parts of the track in order to beat the other racers. At times, you will accomplish this by exploding parts of the track onto other racers. If you're not interested by now, there's really not much we can do for you. Split/Second is out on May 18.

  • Hands-on: Split/Second (multiplayer)

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    I've been consistently impressed by what I've played of the single-player aspect of Split/Second, Black Rock Studios' explosive action-racer, ever since a hands-on trial at E3 last year. I expected the eight-player online experience to be thrilling, but I think I actually under-anticipated just how over-the-top it would be. Everything about the game looks and feels like it's really coming together in advance of its May 18 release, with the online component being the final -- and, from this hands-on preview, important -- piece of the experience. During the demo event, I played the multiplayer "Survival" mode and competed in several straight-up races against seven other players via Xbox Live (although they were stationed in the same room). Calling any race "straight-up" in Split/Second, however, just isn't accurate at all. %Gallery-47488%

  • Split/Second trailer: say hello, and goodbye, to Downtown

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Black Rock's racer Split/Second made a dramatic appearance at PAX East, as a side dish to Joystiq's Blueberry Muffin Tops breakfast -- but it's going to make an even bigger impact on Seattle, the location of the original PAX. Sort of. This latest trailer provides us long looks at the "Downtown" area of the made-for-TV world in which the game takes place, which is pretty clearly Seattle. And that fictionalized, cordoned-off Seattle is going to be smashed to bits by high-speed sports cars, explosives and rigged construction equipment. We're all lucky we get to experience this in a game, and not in the location of an actual convention. Those things are hectic enough. Split/Second arrives May 18. Hide your fake cities.

  • Disney: Split/Second coming to PC retail and digital distribution (plus: new GDC trailers!)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Earlier today, we noticed a report over on That Video Game Blog that stated Black Rock's upcoming racer, Split/Second, would only be available on the PC as "a limited online release." Turns out, that isn't the case, as a Disney spokesperson has confirmed to Joystiq that the game will be available on the PC both via retail and digital distribution on May 18, alongside its console cousins. When questioned about which digital distribution services the game would release on, Disney couldn't say. So, as a peace offering, we were given a pair of new trailers: the first you can see above this chunk of text, while you'll need to click past the break for the other. We know, we push you guys too hard!

  • Hands-on: Split/Second

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    "Split/Second is like Burnout, except the world around you is the thing that gets smashed into bits." - Joystiq's E3 preview I had the fortune of spending about an hour with Black Rock's upcoming, destruction-laden Split/Second, and, like Xav before me, I had a total blast (sorry about the pun, folks). The idea of using the environment as a weapon is a novel twist, keeping racers on their toes throughout the entire race. Stay vigilant, or else a helicopter might just drop an explosive on top of you. (That actually happened to me, folks.) While I was equally impressed by the much-touted dynamic environments of the racer, having so much time with the game let me appreciate some of the finer nuances of the gameplay. I only had three vehicles to choose from, but each controlled differently and highlighted the various strategies players could employ during races. I was most skilled with the lightweight car, thanks to its maneuverability and speedy acceleration. The handling was a bit loose, especially when drifting -- but that proves to be an advantage, as I found myself able to build up my power meter with relative ease. %Gallery-87913%

  • Pure flips onto Games on Demand

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Black Rock's stuntastic, straight out the plastic (NSFW) ATV racer Pure has vaulted onto the Games on Demand service. The price of admission into Pure's amusement park of big ramps and bigger air will set you back $19.99. Not sure if that's worth it. Check out the demo through Xbox Live. And, now that we're on the subject, could someone undo the supposed cancellation of Pure 2? Thanks! Shortcut: Add Pure to your download queue []

  • Black Rock working on additional game besides Split/Second

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    In a recent interview with VG247, Black Rock studio head Tony Beckwith confirmed that Split/Second isn't the only title the company is currently developing. "We're a two-product studio," Beckwith explained -- but when pressed to identify Black Rock's other game, he only responded by saying it's "not being discussed at all." Whatever the title ends up being, we just hope it retains Split/Second's remote-controlled explosions. Because, really, is there any genre that's not immensely improved with remote-controlled explosions?

  • Split/Second destroys the track in May 2010

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Split/Second now has a much narrower release window, having been winnowed from a vague '2010' to a much more manageable 'May 2010,' according to CVG (and confirmed by Joystiq with Disney Interactive). For those who haven't been keeping up with it, Split/Second is a racing game that lets players use the environment against their opponents. For example, you can cause a whole building to topple directly onto the road, thus changing the course of the race -- and possibly crushing a few opponents in the process. In short, it's great fun, to which our E3 hands-on can attest. Fans of racing and big explosions may want to mark their Michael Bay Swimsuit calendars pronto.

  • Latest Split/Second trailer blows up buildings, gigantic boats

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Split/Second isn't like most racing games -- this much you already know. Like most racers, it has the super-fast cars, tight turns and limited slip differentials, but you can't take down whole buildings mid-race in most games in the genre. In fact, you can't blow up huge boats, either. Basically, it's like Burnout, except the world around you is the thing that gets smashed into bits. All of that (and more) happens in the very brief glimpse of gameplay above. Enjoy!

  • Artist lists work on Pure 2, now canceled

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Professional artist Young s. Ko. has numerous video games under his belt, all listed on his blog and all likely to be very familiar to you. Why, he's done vehicle art for games such as Need For Speed Shift, Burnout Revenge, Pure and even Pure 2. "But wait!" you exclaim. "One of those hasn't come out!" You're right -- Need For Speed Shift hasn't been released yet -- but please, you really need to concentrate on the "Pure 2" thing. That's what this whole post is about.According to the project's description, a sequel to last year's thrilling off-road racer has not only failed to materialize, but may have been sent to the scrap heap altogether. The publishing contract was allegedly canceled (not entirely surprising considering Disney's rough year), dashing our hopes of ever seeing Young's ATV displays, uh, displayed on a TV. Well, maybe not ever. One can hope that developer Black Rock Studios will revisit the four-wheeled franchise after it completes 2010's Split/Second ... provided we don't immediately start clamoring for a sequel to that first.Disney Interactive Studios had no comment to offer at the time of publishing. [Via superannuation]

  • Black Rock dev says racing genre is 'dying out,' Split/Second to give a 'kick start'

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Though we're inclined to point out the massively successful Burnout Paradise to Black Rock Studios head Tony Beckwith and Split/Second director Nick Baynes, the two believe "the racing genre is, in many respects, dying out." But alas, friends! There is hope yet! Speaking with Develop recently, the two claim their studio's upcoming game Split/Second will help to turn that all around. "We're all fans of street racing here, but as a genre it is relatively stale -- the evolution is only coming from how you customize cars, which can only serve to remove you from the action – I think Split/Second will do the opposite," Baynes says, referencing the game's (familiar) HUD-less design. Based on these comments, we're not so sure that the folks at Black Rock have been paying too much attention to the racing genre, though we will certainly admit to Split/Second looking fantastic. We'll just have to wait and see what the game does to substantiate the two's claims when the game arrives in "early 2010."

  • DIS officially announces Split/Second for PC, PS3, Xbox 360

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    click to make bigger, more explode-y If you only take your octane in high, then this bit of news is likely to put your pedal right down to the metal, as Disney Interactive Studios has officially unveiled Split/Second. Set for release early next year on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, Split/Second is described as an "action-racing game where speed meets strategy in a city rigged for destruction."The press release also mentions a new site for the game, although that doesn't seem to have gone live yet. And, as suspected, Black Rock has created a world where "competitors vie to be the first across the finish line in a made-for-TV city built for destruction," so expect plenty of Running Man jokes on our end as we write about the game in the future.%Gallery-47488%

  • Pure dev's new racer 'Split Second' to debut March 6

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    The teaser for Friday night's (well, Saturday morning's) episode of GameTrailers TV is appropriately laden with gooey, fresh-baked exclusives, though among DLC details for Call of Duty: World at War and info about Resident Evil 5, one segment promises to be especially eye-catching -- the "worldwide reveal" of Pure developer Black Rock Studio's next racing title, Split Second. Or, wait -- did it actually reveal the game in said teaser? It's like, out there now, right? We're pretty sure that counts as a revelation.From the four seconds of Split Second cinematics shown in the teaser (which appears to have come from Black Rock's teaser video, seen above), as well as Geoff Keighley's ominous voiceover which warns, "watch out, Burnout," we're guessing it'll be in the same ludological vein as Criterion's cash cow. We've contacted a Disney Interactive rep for more info, but we're sure to find out more when GTTV airs Friday night (Saturday morning) at 1 a.m. EST.