

  • Peerless' RMI-1 spins your display right round in 15-degree increments

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    If you just couldn't be bothered to use a level when hanging that new flat panel or you want to make your living room look more like the SportsCenter set, the Peerless Rotational Mount Interface (RMI1) might be what you need. The RMI1 rotates displays up to 71-inches large through a full 360-degrees in 15-degree increments with the pull of a lever and a spin of the display. At $149, this is a relatively cheap way to either salvage some pride from that install that went terribly wrong, or have a display you can flip between portrait and landscape at between plays; either of these is way more fun than the suggested "waves, zigzag and 45-degree angle patterns."

  • Peerless Slimline HDTV mount is just 0.4-inches thin

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Peerless has been known to crank out some fairly svelte wall mounts for flat-panels, but it really outdid itself with this one. Christened the "world's thinnest mounts," the Slimline universal mounting solution comes in at just 0.4-inches thick, which would unquestionably bring your LCD / plasma ridiculously close to the wall. Though even Peerless mentions that Hitachi's 1.5-inch units work marvelously with this, it is designed to handle practically any flat-panel weighing less than 150-pounds and measuring less than 60-inches. Users can even pick up an in-wall AV accessory box to neatly tuck away those cables and connectors, but considering that pricing information is glaringly absent, we're a tad scared to imagine what this thing actually costs.[Via DailyGame]