

  • Download the 'Achievement Unlocked' sound for your phone, you freak

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    For the achievement fanatics who have paroxysms of manic violence when they don't hear the friendly Xbox achievement chime for more than an hour, Dr. Major Nelson has your cure. Download the 'Achievement Unlocked' sound for your phone, then have your psychiatrist text you every hour, on the hour.

  • X3F Achievements 101: Pre-E3 lull

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Welcome to another edition of the weekly Gamerscore whoring extravaganza, X3F Achievements 101. As usual, I'll discuss the last week in unlocking Achievements, or discuss any news that's especially pertinent to the Achievement obsessed. Unfortunately, this week was pretty light, with E3 just around the corner, there wasn't much spare time to grind through any games. I didn't rent anything this week, but I did get my feet wet with Rainbow Six: Vegas, as well as made a couple discoveries whilst playing some Arcade titles locally with friends.

  • Overlord Achievements awakened

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    After being having one of the two good demos release on Marketplace last week, Xbox 360 Achievements got their hands on Overlord's Achievements. The first thing that caught our eye was that there are two Achievements for how much or little Corruption your character has, one for maxing it out, and the other for having none, so being a good-bad guy is going to be required for the completionists out there. Also worth noting are the ranked multiplayer Achievements, and "Mistress Master", where you essentially let her wear the pants of the relationship and do her bidding. Are you looking forward to torching some halflings later this month?

  • X3F Achievements 101: Bots, Bosses and Babalities

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    X3F Achievements 101 is back, and on its regularly scheduled time slot of Sundays. Initial response to our first edition was rather positive, so we're glad you like the concept and hope you enjoy reading, and even participating in the column. Emails with Achievement tips also came in at a good pace, and I look forward to playing and trading with you. One particular email stood out, which came from Casey over at, and the steps he took to get Achievements in one of the most time consuming Arcade games, Bejeweled 2.

  • Achievements come out of the ... er ... Darkness

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Xbox 360 Achievements, the sly dogs, got their hands on the Achievement list for Starbreeze Studios' comic book adaption, The Darkness. Upon looking at the 50 Achievements available you can tell that there is a heavy emphasis on the multiplayer aspect of the game which we definitely like to see, although we can't tell if these require to be in ranked games in order to be unlocked, or if they can be performed in public matches. Our favorite from the list, would easily be "Knuckle, Meet Face", for indulging in your first melee kill. What's yours?

  • Achievement unlocked, now download the sound

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Last month we furnished you with the agility orb sound clip from Crackdown and today we have another clip for your downloading pleasure. The generous Major Nelson went out of his way to get the community a clip of the greatest sound that has ever graced the Xbox 360 ... the achievement unlocked sound. It's short and sweet, but any fanboy will know that this sound can make grown men break down in tears. This sound makes us gamers froth from the mouth, perspire profusely, and shake violently all because we know our gamerscore just increased. It's truly that enjoyable. So, be sure to download it and feel free to share with us how you'll be using your new achievement unlocked sound clip.

  • Achieve360Points NBA Live Achievement Successful

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    The first of two attempts at the "1000 people online" Achievement for NBA Live 07 went down on the 10th, hosted by It started at 8:00 PM EST and they had the required 1000 online users at 8:10 PM EST. Unfortunately, it didn't go down without a hiccup or two. Apparently, while people who actually were in the lobby got the Achievement, everyone else who was just listening to the ESPN Radio or another activity while online did not. That sucks, since those very people counted towards the total online count. A360P is going to try to get a hold of EA and see if they can award the Achievement to those deserving who did not get acknowledged during the event. Well, at the very least, they have another shot on the 25th, and after this past weekend's "troubleshooting", they know what to do to be eligible for the 100 Gamerscore. Were you at the event, and if you didn't get the Achievement, are you going to give it another shot on the 25th?

  • Xbox Rewards announced

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Last week we gave word about a rumor regarding rewards for getting Achievements. Now has the full details. Starting on February 12th, U.S. Residents will get the opportunity to get some free swag for increasing their Gamerscore by 1,500 points within a month in the "Old Spice Experience Challenge". Also, to make the deal sweeter for those who already have been actively unlocking Achievements, they have three tiers of prizes, based on your annual Gamerscore increase. Less than 5000 Gamerscore will be Level 1, where you can win Contra, a gamer pic, and a level upgrade. The second tier is for gamers with 5000 to 9999 Gamerscore, and will net the same rewards as Level 1 as well as 100 Microsoft Points. Those of you who have 10,000 annual Gamerscore or more are part of the third and final Level, and can win the aforementioned prizes, as well as an Old Spice T-shirt, 200 total Microsoft Points and a copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2. Not bad for beating one-and-a-half games, especially if you have just over 10,000 Gamerscore. If you're looking for some ideas on how to maximize your efficiency, you don't have to look hard. So, are you going to sign up? And for those of us who can't join due to being geographically impaired, when do you think your locale will be added into the mix?[Thanks, Darksaviour69]

  • Achieve360Points Holds NBA Live 07 Achievement Event [update 1]

    David Dreger
    David Dreger
    02.05.2007 is hosting a similar event to x360a's previously reported NBA Live 07 1000 people online Achievement event. For those who can't make it for the 25th's attempt, or simply can't wait that long to unlock the achievement, A360P is holding the event on the 10th-11th of this month, scheduled nearly two weeks before's. A360P's event is on a slightly different schedule, taking place in the evening at 8:00 PM Eastern as opposed to the Sunday afternoon (3:00 PM EST) for x360a. In any case, it will be interesting to see if both succeed, and if so, who had the most users online. We hope to see you go online and help either event succeed.Update: Altered article to neutral point of view.

  • goes for elusive NBA Live 07 Achievement

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Our friends at Xbox 360 Achievements are organizing an event to unlock the "Online With 1000 People" Achievement for NBA Live 07. So far, no one has unlocked this yet, but here's your chance to be part of what may be your only chance to get the 100 Gamerscore Achievement. So mark your calendars, because this is happening on Sunday, February 25th at 8:00 PM GMT. So for our North American readers, that's 3:00 PM EST and 12:00 Noon PST. Central and Mountain time zones are relied on to have passed Grade 2 Math at this point in their life and are on their own. According to EA Sports, you do not need to be playing a game to be counted as online, but can just listen to the ESPN radio service. Apparently, during x360a's last attempt, which was on very short notice, they got an astonishing 917 people online. This time has a lot more lead time, and is getting a lot more publicity. We hope they pull through, and all of you fanboys out there should do your part. If you own NBA Live 07, sign on during the specified time on the 25th. If you don't then use Gamefly, GameAccess, or Blockbuster to get your hands on a copy by 3 weeks from now. Come on, let's make some Xbox 360 history here. Are you going to "Jump In"?

  • Rumor: Achievements Unlocking Rewards for Gamers?

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Deacon Blade of Unscripted360 broke a very interesting story this morning. Apparently, he and some fellow MVPs came across at "torn document" that contained intriguing ideas for the future of the Xbox 360, and more importantly, its Achievement and gamerscore system. According to Deacon, Xbox is working alongside sponsors to initiate a program in February to reward gamers for their Achievements. Participation is free of charge, and the number of prizes are limited, although you will need to register to get in. We don't know if this will be limited to Xbox Live Gold subscribers, or open to Silver as well, but don't be surprised if only paying customers are eligible. Gamesaving was also brought up on the document as a "top priority", and will supposedly be taken care of.All in all, the release of this information seems a little fishy. It's very likely that Microsoft gave the go ahead for its high ranking community members to give a few tidbits of information without revealing much more than the concept. Deacon, and the others at the event probably know more than they're letting on regarding the program, and just want to leave people wanting more and thus building hype. Well, it's working. We're excited about this opportunity for casual and hardcore gamers alike to get free stuff for playing games, what about you? And how do you expect Microsoft to circumvent the current, albeit neutered, gamesaving from exploiting the idea of rewards?