

  • Vlambeer knows your C64 is in the attic, made Super Bread Box anyway

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    When we first heard Super Crate Box would get a Commodore 64 version this December, our first question was, "Why?" As Rami Ismail of Vlambeer answers us, it's mostly because he can."When we released Super Crate Box almost two years ago, one of the things we kept on hearing was that the game felt like the classics – the arcade era of old," Ismail says. "We like to think that our games could've been made in the 80s – that they would've worked in some way on a C64 or similar. When Adam Saltsman released C64anabalt, we decided that it could be worth trying to see whether it'd work. We got in touch with the team that developed the C64 version and decided developing a real, actual C64 version was the ultimate test."OK, that's fine, we thought. Developers challenging themselves is a great way to ensure the industry doesn't stagnate. But then we thought of another conundrum. "Who the hell still has a C64?""One of us does have an old one somewhere, although we're not quite sure whether it still works," Ismail says. "We don't know how many people actually have a C64, but we hope that enough people would grab it from their storage to give Super Bread Box a try. Either way, we're mostly doing the project because we want to see whether it is possible."