

  • Embrace your Chilled Meat

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Leveling through Northrend, you're probably coming across oodles of Chilled Meat. It drops off of just about every beast (and some other critters) in Northrend, so it piles up pretty quick. You get multiple stacks of it just questing normally. With it being so horirbly common, you might be inclined to just toss it. I mean, it can't be that useful, right? It's everywhere! No. Keep it. Trust me. Keep it.Why should you keep Chilled Meat? Well, it's not only used in Cooking awesome things like Feasts (and everyone loves to feast), but it's also used in almost all of the new Cooking daily quests in Dalaran. If you're a Cook, you'll want a massive stockpile of the stuff. If you're not a Cook, your friends will really appreciate it, and if you don't like your friends that much, you can auction it for a lot. I've been watching the prices on them, and it varies wildly between being cheap and unreasonably expensive, depending on what the daily quest is and what day of the week it is. Weekends the price drops significantly since more people are leveling, but come the middle of the week, peoples' stores start slipping.

  • Wrath Dailies: The Way to His Heart...

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    WoW Insider is happy to announce a new series of posts focusing on the daily quests Wrath of the Lich King has to offer. We'll get a few of these out each week until we have a comprehensive library of every daily quest you can do.First up is a fun daily in which you get to mate a Reef Bull and a Reef Cow in the Howling Fjord.I'll just wait to let the goal of this quest sink in for a minute.Sunk? Great. Moving on.This daily will raise your reputation with the Kalu'ak by 500 and give you around 7g. You can get the daily from Anuniaq located at 24, 58 in the Howling Fjord. It is one of the few that will raise your rep with the Kalu'ak, so you'll want to be sure that you complete it every day. You need to be level 70 to complete the daily. If you complete it while leveling it will give you around 20,000 experience.Before you can do this daily you need to complete Swabbin' Soap from Scuttle Frostprow. And to be able to do that you need to finish the chain of quests from Orfus of Kamagua. So basically to do this daily you need to do everything available around the Ancient Lift in the Howling Fjord.

  • Fishing daily bug gives you the right fish first time, every time

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    And I thought I was just lucky -- apparently there really is a bug going around with the daily fishing quests that means you'll always get the special fish you're looking for on the first cast. The first time it happened, I was like hey, that's awesome. The second time it happened, I was like wow, I'm really getting a break on these fishing quests, and the third time it happened, I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. But Blizzard knows about the issue now, and I'd expect a hotfix soon.The one exception, of course was the Shrimpin' Ain't Easy quest that required you to fish up more than one Bloated fish to get at the shrimp inside. On that one, I can actually confirm that you didn't get the right fish every time, and it did take you the requisite 10 casts or so (which is what it's supposed to take for the other quests also, according to El's Anglin').I have to say, I've really enjoyed both the fishing and cooking dailies (as I said on the podcast the other week, I just finally got my Delicious Chocolate Cake recipe for the "Cake is Not a Lie" achievement). Can't wait to see what kind of fishing and food we'll find in Wrath.

  • A Simple Re-Quest bugged

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    I know you'll never believe this, but Blizzard has identified a bug in tracking one of the achievements. On the Achievements forum Tigole noted that zoning into a battleground will sometimes cause the counter to reset for "A Simple Re-Quest." For this achievement you must complete five dailies in a row. The known issue will be fixed in the upcoming patch 3.0.3 but Tigole recommends that if you are keen on earning this achievement in the meantime you may want to avoid entering the battlegrounds. It will be easy to complete 5 dailies after the patch, so it's not a huge deal. I am concerned that Blizzard isn't getting to the heart of the bug, though. There seems to be more to it than battlegrounds. Though I haven't done any battlegrounds since the patch was released and have completed several dailies each day, I have not been awarded this achievement. I've been too busy doing dailies, heroics, and daily heroics.This was followed by one of many apologies made by Blizzard in recent weeks. When asked the simple request for a 3.0.3 release date, Tigole gave the entirely unexpected answer: Soonish. We'll see it when it's ready.

  • Around Azeroth: Extreme robot fighting

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I admit, I totally made the post title up. But I think you have to admit that extreme robot fighting sounds like tons of fun. Reader Forlune sends in this shot straight from the beta realms, explaining that this is a new daily PvP quest in the Grizzly Hills. Though I haven't tried this one out myself, judging from intel from our good friends at WoWhead, this is one of several new PvP-oriented dailies in th Blue Sky Logging Grounds -- this one just asks you to return several broken-down shredders for repair, while the others seem to encourage more direct punishment of the opposing faction. Robot fighting or no robot fighting, who's not into showing the Horde... or Alliance... who's boss?This image came to us straight from the Wrath of the Lich King beta -- and we'd love to have your beta screenshots, too! If you have anything our readers might like, sharing it is as simple as e-mailing aroundazeroth@wow.com with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next! Remember to include your player name, server and/or guild if you want it mentioned. We prefer full screen shots without the UI showing -- use alt-Z to remove it. And, please, no more sunsets! (Well, okay, maybe if they are some really cool Northrend sunsets, we can consider.)%Gallery-1816%

  • The heroic less traveled

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Branch raised an observation today -- it can be difficult getting groups for instances which aren't the daily Heroic. Of course, in the same post, he claims he gets offers from characters who aren't quite heroic enough for Heroics. The problem seems to really be that he can't get groups that meet his standards for the Heroics he wants to do.Bornakk first offers that he thinks experience plays a role here. Until you've experienced the content, you're probably going to be intimidated by it. In my opinion, you may have to enjoy some time with PUGs to get that experience.The thread winds up with what I'd expected in the first place -- the issue is more about which instance offers the most badges for your time. The fate and future of badges has been a hot topic. Bornakk definitely acknowledges that we run Heroics for badges instead of loot. Since Blizzcast indicated changes to badge loot in Wrath of the Lich King, it'll be interesting to see what happens to Heroic badges come expansion time.

  • Poll: How many dailies do you complete?

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Let's take a poll for a future article I'm working on about daily quests. I want to know (and I'm sure some of you will be interested too): on average, how many daily quests do you complete each day?For me the number is nine. I do six out in the Isle of Quel Danas, and then three in Outland (the mining, fishing, and cooking daily). I have a couple of friends who do 25 every day, and I have other friends who only do one or two. I was surprised yeterday in my article about making money through the AH that there were several of you who mentioned that doing all 25 was the norm.So vote away and lets us know how many daily quests you do every day.%Poll-14967%

  • The Outland daily circle

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    With Phase 4 upon us, The options for dailies are pretty much long and endless. Of course, with a daily limit of 25 dailies, you can end up doing most of them anyways, and while certainly don't try to spring for 25 dailies every day, I still do my fair share of dailies. About once or twice a week, I do what I have come to call my Outland Circle. All three of my characters have all the daily hubs unlocked, so between Ogri'la, the Skyguard, the Netherwing, and the Shattered Sun Offensive, I can get a lot done.

  • PvP all day, everyday: Concerted Efforts (A) or For Great Honor (H)

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    It's back! Perhaps of all the new daily quests that have arrived with the goodness-filled Patch 2.4, arguably the most confusing and mysterious one is the repeatable quest called For Great Honor for the Horde and Concerted Efforts for the Alliance. It is a dinosaur quest from the days of the old Honor system but made its stealthy return last Tuesday with a few tweaks. It was so stealthy that it didn't even make it into the official patch notes. It is also not searchable in wowhead through filters (e.g. added in Patch 2.4, PvP, etc.) or by name (e.g. "For Great Honor"). The references to the quest in thottbot or allakhazam both refer to the old repeatable quest albeit the quest description themselves have been updated to include the new requirement -- an additional Mark of Honor from Eye of the Storm. Unlike the old quest, the new and improved For Great Honor -- which probably has the same ID tag (confusing poor old wowhead) as the original quest -- does not give any reputation for old world Battlegrounds. Players grinding Battlegrounds rep for the Conqueror or Justicar titles are flat of luck and must do it the hard way aside from being crazy for trying (yeah, okay, I'm one of those people). The very first time players complete the quest, it awards 11g 99s and 314 Honor points at Level 70. Subsequent turn-ins will only award the 314 Honor. Because of the removal of diminishing returns to Honorable Kills, Honor points are available for use immediately, making this quest the most efficient way to earn additional Honor. Because it is repeatable and not a daily quest, players with stacks of 100 Marks of Honor from all Battlegrounds can accrue 31,400 Honor points right away. Of course, it is possible to earn more Honor from more turn-ins. Winning in all four Battlegrounds, for example, can give an additional 942 Honor from Mark of Honor turn-ins. For the many players who have full unusable stacks of these items, it's an excellent way to free up space and gain Honor points at the same time. Needless to say... make sure to save some Marks for those welfare epics! On a final note, try to complete this quest in the less populated cities such as the Exodar or Thunder Bluff, specially if you're turning in a whopping 100 times. Less populated cities will have less lag and less chances of players zoning in from Arenas or Battlegrounds to get in the clickable way of your turn-ins.

  • Phase 3 Dailies: Ata'mal Armaments

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    After completing the anvil for Sun's Reach Armory, Smith Hauthaa of the Shattered Sun Offensive needs a little more help gathering materials. We've been gathering Darkspine Iron Ore for her, and now she needs a more pure metal to create an acceptable alloy.In this quest, you're sent to the Ata'mal Terrace in Shadowmoon Valley, to gather Ata'mal Armaments. This metal was once used by the Draenei living in Karabor, but has since been taken by the Fel Orcs, corrupted, and abused. The anvil you just helped Hauthaa make has been blessed by the SSO's clerics, and just happens to be capable of purifying that metal.So what you do it gather up five of those armaments, then head back to the Isle of Quel'Danas. Stand near Smith Hauthaa's anvil just outside of the Armory, and use the Armaments. This will cleanse them and break them down, making Cleansed Ata'mal Metal.On the Ata'mal Terrace, the Armaments drop from any of the fel orcs there. The Shadowmoon Chosen, Shadowmoon Slayers, and Shadowmoon Darkweavers. These mobs aren't especially difficult, we've been killing them since the Burning Crusade launched. Nothing scary about them. The only thing to worry about are the Shadowsworn Drakonids, the wandering elite... drakonids. They're not as unforgiving as their Netherwing Ledge counterparts, but can still be a thorn in your side. This is the final quest in phase 3 of the retaking of Quel'Danas. Its rewards reflect that and are a step up from all of the others. Not only do you get 18 gold, 28 silver, and 350 Shattered Son Offensive Reputation, you also get a choice between two neat weapon oils. Physical DPS can choose the Righteous Weapon Coating, and casters can choose the Blessed Weapon Coating.As always, for more information on this quest, you can always check out Wowwiki or Wowhead.

  • Report Card: How do the new phase 1 dailies measure up?

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Having had a chance both on the live and test servers to do the Shattered Sun Offensive dailies, I think I can safely say that Blizzard has thoroughly outdone themselves. There's variety, there's travel (instead of staying in the same small area all the time), there's excitement, there's good loot, there's all kinds of varied quests that make me think that I may never go back to Ogri'la or Skettis ever again unless I really need something from the vendors. There's still things that could be slightly better, but for the most part, Blizzard has shown that they've taken valuable lessons from previous content and stepped up their design for patch 2.4.

  • Phase 1 Dailies: The Multiphase Survey

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Finally, we reach the end of our grand tour of the phase 1 Shattered Sun-related daily quests. "The Multiphase Survey" is assigned by a doubtful Draenei named Harbinger Harnomen who can be found somewhat clockwise of the flight master in Shattrath, and it goes like this: Go to the Spirit Fields in Nagrand, which are near that giant crystal Oshu'gun. Put on the provided Multiphase Spectrographic Goggles. Fly/ride around and look for Multiphase Disturbances (pictured), which are only visible when wearing the goggles. When you find one, get near it and right-click your goggles. The disturbance will disappear. Six of these "readings" and you're done; flutter on back to Shattrath for 4g 10g, 250 Shattered Sun rep, and another Shattered Sun Supplies (c'mon, Badge!). Seven daily quests later, what's our total take? 78 gold, 1550 Shattered Sun Offensive reputation, a Major Rejuvenation Potion, and two Shattered Sun Supplies. Not bad for the work of an hour or so.

  • Phase 1 Dailies: Sunfury Attack Plans

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Here is another Shattered Sun daily that originates in Shattrath, from Lord Torvos who stands just north of the flight master (right by where you picked up "Gaining the Advantage"). The premise of "Sunfury Attack Plans" is that we know that the Sunfury elves up in Netherstorm have some attack plans, and we want them. We want one of them per character, every day. So get yourself to Netherstorm, find some Sunfury elves (any Sunfury elves), and kill them until one of them drops the attack plans. I usually go for the mobs near Manaforge B'naar simply for convenience.Like many single-drop quests, this can be maddeningly inconsistent. Today I got the plans on my first kill, and a guildy of mine claims to have killed over 100 before finally receiving the item. We'll have to wait until a bit of data for the database sites has been collected before we can find out what the drop rate is, although if I had to guess I'd put it around 10%. For your troubles you are rewarded with 4g 10g, 250 Shattered Sun Ofensive rep, and a Shattered Sun Supplies, which contains a random green item and has a chance to contain a Badge of Justice as well.

  • Phase 1 Dailies: Gaining the Advantage

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    You've dealt with automata and the Wretched on the Isle of Quel'Danas. You've slain demons and blown up the transporter at the Throne of Kil'Jaeden. Are there more Shattered Sun-related dailies left to do? You bet! There are three quests that are assigned in Shattrath, and here's one of them: Gaining the Advantage. Posts on the other two are coming shortly.Allegedly, some people in Stormwind can make oils that will help in the fight against the Legion, and they need Nether Residue to do it. This quest is assigned by Emisarry Mordin who paths near the flight master.For this quest, all you need to do is be a skinner, herbalist and/or miner, and go out and do some gathering. Any Outlands herb (not Golden Sansam or Dreamfoil), ore node, or (I assume) skinnable mob has a chance to drop Nether Residue, of which you need eight for the quest. The drop rate on herbs felt like around 30%, possibly higher on higher-level herbs. So it's a fairly easy quest to do, and as a bonus, you get some herbs/ore/leather. Go on back to Shattrath to turn it in, and be rewarded with 16g, 250 Shattered Sun rep, and two one Major Rejuvenation Potion.

  • Phase 1 Dailies: Blast the Gateway

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    This is the companion quest to "Blood for Blood," and is given by Magistrix Seyla up at the Throne of Kil'Jaeden ("The Missing Magistrix" is a prerequisite). In "Blast the Gateway" you take on a mission to help shut down the Legion Gateway, by means of an interesting quest mechanic. Right-click the supplied Sizzling Embers to release a pet Living Flare, which follows you around. Contrary to what WoWWiki says, I find that it will not despawn if you use your flying mount, as long as you don't get too far away from it (so be careful on your epic mounts). Find and kill the Incandescent Fel Sparks, which are fire elementals that wander the Throne area. They have a fireball, but like most of the mobs involved in the dailies, they're not hard to kill. Every a Fel Spark is killed with your Living Flare nearby, the Flare energizes. Note that you don't actually have to kill the Spark yourself; if you see some other people killing one, go help, and any flares in the vicinity will get energized. Once your Flare accumulates enough energy (it takes about five eight kills), it will become "unstable" and turn green. Take it over to the Legion Gateway, near Magistrix Seyla, and it'll release its fiery power. Done! Talk to the Magistrix for 12g and 250 Shattered Sun rep. I did have my Flare despawn on me once, but I think I flew up very high or something. I've definitely had it follow me on my flying mount just fine. But you should be careful, because if it does despawn you have to start the quest over.

  • Phase 1 Dailies: Blood for Blood

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Now that you've completed "The Missing Magistrix" and teleported to the Throne of Kil'Jaeden in Hellfire Peninsula (or flown there if you've already done the teleport before, but completion of "The Missing Magistrix" is required for this quest), you're ready to do Blood for Blood and its companion quest, Blast the Gateway (next post). Magistrix Seyla at the Throne assigns both quests. Blood for Blood goes like this: Kill Doom Heralds, those big swordy demon things you see stomping around, and loot their blood. You need four, and it seems to be a 100% drop. The blood powers the Felblood Siphon that you'll use in the next step. Find Felblood Initiates (pictured) casting wavy green things at the structures on the ground and cower at their eliteness. Now use the Felblood Siphon on them, and, just like the giants from Ferelas, they will weaken into non-elite pushover Emaciated Felbloods. Kill. Do this four times, and you're ready to return to the Magistrix for 12g and 250 Shattered Sun rep. This was a fun quest, although last night it was absolutely impossible to find any Felbloods because of all the players competing for them. Much easier today though; they might have upped the spawn rate (edit: they did). The Felbloods stun briefly when you use the Siphon on them, which gives you a chance to get some distance and/or cast a spell. Next up is Blast the Gateway, which is a good quest to do at the same time as this one. I wonder where Kazzak is hanging out, though -- has he always been killed when I've been up there, or did they move him?

  • Phase 1 Dailies: Erratic Behavior

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Continuing our examination of the phase one daily quests in patch 2.4, here is "Erratic Behavior." It is easily done at the same time as the other Isle of Quel'Danas daily, The Sanctum Wards. It's gotten from the Shattered Sun Staging Area, and asks you to convert five Erratic Sentries into friendly ones by means of the magical crystals they give you.The Erratic Sentries are found in the same place as the mobs for The Sanctum Wards: an arc starting at the Staging Area and proceeding broadly southwards along the western shoreline. They're non-agressive (yellow) mechanicals (pictured), and although they're level 70, it's still uncommonly easy to kill them. Sometimes they can be found reduced in health bandaging themselves up, and in general they move a bit oddly -- I guess that explains the "erratic" part.After you kill and loot, target the corpse and right-click the Attuned Crystal Cores in your inventory; the Sentry will turn into a friendly one and stagger around briefly before disappearing. Note that you can't convert corpses that you haven't killed yourself. Convert five corpses, and you're done. Return to the staging grounds for 9g, 150 Shattered Sun rep, and warm fuzzing feelings for helping get to Phase Two. This quest is still available in Phase Two, but renamed to "Further Conversions."

  • Phase 1 Dailies: The Sanctum Wards

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Welcome to the first post of a new series on the daily quests available in Patch 2.4. I'll be going through all the quests that are available in phase 1, one by one. This is one of the two daily quests on the new Isle of Quel'Danas, and it's called "The Sanctum Wards." It goes well with Erratic Behavior, which I'll cover in the next post.The quest itself is pretty simple, and goes in two parts. Hunt down Wretched Devourers and Wretched Fiends, and slaughter them for their Mana Remnants. You'll need four Remanants, and the drop rate felt like it was around 50%. The mobs are only level 68, and don't pose much of a problem; they do a puny drain life/mana and a very short silence. They can be found starting in the Shattered Sun Staging Area and spreading in an arc down near the western shoreline. Once you have your four Mana Remnants, come back up near the Staging Area to a Crystal Ward (pictured, at 49,35) and right-click the stack of Mana Remnants in your inventory. There's some nice pretty zapping effects, and you're done with your quest. 9g and 150 Shattered Sun rep await you. You have now completed one of the two quests that will progress your server towards Phase Two, so thanks for doing your part! This quest is still available in Phase Two, but renamed to "Arm the Wards."

  • More bad news from Skettis

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    If I only have time to do one daily quest, I do the one for the battlegrounds. If I only have time to do two daily quests, I do the battleground quest, Escape from Skettis, and Fires of Skettis. Yes, that's three quests, but the Skettis quests have been a source of quick and easy cash. I really consider them to be two steps to the same quest. Blizzard seems to be trying to make those quests less appealing in patch 2.4. First they tell us that the Monstrous Kaliri that hinder us while doing our daily bombing quest, Fires over Skettis, have grown smarter. For now, the trick to getting away from those blasted birds is to fly straight up in the air until you're out of range. Apparently the next generation of Kaliri have gotten wise to that trick and have adapted to three dimensional combat.

  • Epic Gems for Badges on the PTR

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Here's some news from the PTR hot off the presses via MMO Champion: Shaani the jewelcrafter is now selling epic gems previously only dropped in 25-man dungeons for 15 badges apiece, and all the recipes to cut them for gold at various levels of Shattered Sun Offensive Reputation. So if you don't raid, and don't mind doing 3 or 4 heroic runs for each gem, you'll be able to socket all that new badge gear too. It looks like it was unlocked with the Razorthorn Root daily, so if you want those gems, be sure to get your friends and guildies on doing that daily once it's unlocked on your server come 2.4 While you're there, you can also grab a new daily from Mar'nah the alchemist which will reward a Bloodberry Elixir, which provides +15 to all stats for an 2 hours, but only on the Sunwell Plateau itself (thanks for catching the Sunwell-only restriction, Aikiwoce). The badgification of epic gear continues apace. What will be interesting to see is if Blizzard is primarily doing this to close the gear gap between casuals and raiders for WoTLK, or if this marks a new loot philosophy that will continue into WoTLK. Will we be able to buy Icecrown Glacier gems for badges as well?