

  • The stuff that launched at CES 2017 but never came out

    Kris Naudus
    Kris Naudus

    CES is the busiest time of year for Engadget, with our team spending a week on the ground in Las Vegas looking for the latest and greatest products from companies of all sizes and persuasions. Last CES was no different, with our editors checking out a plethora of smart televisions, wireless earbuds and mesh routers. And there's always a few oddball things -- remember Razer's three-screened laptop? But while Project Valerie was just a prototype never really meant to see the light of day, most of the stuff we see does hit store shelves... eventually. Now that it's mid-December and CES 2018 is mere weeks away, we thought we'd check on a few of the products that haven't made it to market. Some were pushed back and will join the class of 2018, while others will only live on in Engadget's post archives.

  • The da Vinci Nano is a plug-and-play 3D printer that costs only $230

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    XYZprinting is known for offering a variety of 3D printers, some of which rival the likes of Makerbot's Replicator line and other high-end hardware. But the company has also been making some that are both portable and affordable, as was the case with its sub-$300 da Vinci Mini. At CES 2017, it is going one step further by introducing the da Vinci Nano, a full-fledged 3D printer priced at just $230. And although the machine is designed for people who are new to the technology, XYZprinting says the idea is to not compromise on the features and overall quality of the product.