

  • Emojli is a social network composed entirely of emoji

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Social networks love emoji. And those better-than-real-words icons love social networks right back. Emojli is possibly the next step in that blossoming relationship: a social network with "no words, no spam, just emoji." It hasn't launched yet, but the iOS-bound network already polices a rigorous picture-only username system. (Apologies, "Monkey Train", "Fireball" and "Kitty Penguin Space Invader" have already been taken.) According to its Twitter feed, registrations passed 10,000 earlier today -- and for folks worried about the service running out of emoji, over 250,000 two-icon combinations are available, as are even longer usernames. Pointless time-waster, a nonsensical joke, or the future of this connected life? Almost certainly one of the former, but if you want that single emoji that truly sums you up, you'd best rush along to that registration page immediately.