

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Experimental Specimen Slicer

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    When we last left our heroes, they had decided on a method to track the vile Abercrombie. This week, we're looking at a piece of endgame gear as an attempt to stay relevant as a loot column. We'll likely fail, but Lolegolas will look great while doing it. That's what blood elves do! The journey toward Tirisfal was lonely. Either Miranda or the Gilnean would periodically demand the foursome stop to look around. Despite clever eyes and earnest hopes, nary another soul could be found on the road. "Don't get it," Throgg grunted. "Shoulda been attacked dozen times by now." "Out with it," Lolegolas said when he noticed Miranda toeing the ground uncomfortably. "What do you know, woman?" Miranda rolled her eyes as she remounted her horse. "Folks are just otherwise occupied right now, I guess you could say. Things will be fine." "Really?" Lolegolas asked. "How does an entire continent of people just disappear?" Miranda waved a hand dismissively and pointed to the distance. "We're nearly to Tirisfal. I've gotten word that Abercrombie is definitely there."