

  • Tinder hack pairs straight guys together, awkward flirting ensues

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Tinder is sometimes hilarious. Tinder sometimes makes you despair for humanity. And would you believe it, Tinder sometimes leads to genuine, loving relationships. But back to the first point: what happens if you pit two unwitting heterosexual males against each other, when both think the other is a for-real woman? What do you think?

  • VixML debuts iPhone development middleware, demos 'TrueFlirt'

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    Viximo has debuted TrueFlirt, a $5.99 iPhone application that demonstrates the capabilities of VixML, a simple development environment for creative entrepreneurs. TrueFlirt, as you might suspect, allows you to send animated "flirts" to other users of TrueFlirt. You can "FlirtBack" with one of a few pre-populated "playful" replies. TrueFlirt is -- while perhaps not suitable for the iTunes "productivity" category -- an interesting technology demonstration of VixML, an XML-based content creation platform that enables interactive designers to create native iPhone content for Viximo applications. The way it works is a content creator signs up with Viximo, who provides them their framework and tools for development. Developing VixML uses structured XML that -- at first glance -- seems easy to understand, and includes code support for animation, interaction and music. Viximo says it's a much lesser investment in terms of time and money, since you don't need to become an Apple developer, nor pay to submit the app to the App Store. Once an application is developed, Viximo will check it for problems, and submit it for publication in the App Store. It's unclear how pricing is structured, or how much of a cut Viximo gets for each application. VixML applications are analogous to standalone Flash animations, but obviously they don't use Flash. Instead, they use the OpenGL 2D and 3D graphics engines built into iPhone OS. Applications can send and receive data (like TrueFlirt), as well as interact with the iPhone and iPod touch's built-in accelerometer. Viximo, in addition to TrueFlirt, is releasing more titles expected to arrive in the App Store during the first quarter of 2009. TrueFlirt is available in the App Store now (for $5.99), and a free version is coming soon. The free version will be able to receive flirts, but the paid version can both send and receive them.

  • The Guild episode 6 of season 2

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's Tuesday, which means The Guild is back yet again with more wacky hijinx. Episode six is out on MSN Video now (and on Xbox Live and Zune soon), and there's some blowback from the "eruption" at the end of the last episode. Clara continues her campaign of corruption, and Zaboo does something you should never, ever do to another player.This episode seems long for some reason, but at the same time, it's kind of a breather for what we're sure will be an interesting episode next week. Felicia twittered the other week that they're working on editing down just the last two episodes, so the hard work for them is almost over, even though we're only halfway through the season so far.And finally, The Guild got a tribute song last week, a video and tune put together by a fan. They're pretty excited about it, but we'll let you judge whether you like it or not. We will say that it is a nice effort, and it's good to see that there are fans of The Guild out there willing to put in the time and energy to do something like that. Rock on!

  • Age of Conan GM fired amidst in-game sex scandal

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    An Age of Conan player tricked a naïve, Funcom-employed Game Master (an in-game customer service representative) into pursuing cybersex with him. The player posed as a female playing a male character and enticed the male GM with flirtatious remarks and innuendos. After the GM fully threw himself into the moment, the player revealed that he was male, and that the conversation had been a prank.Friends of the player posted screenshots of the conversation on MMORPG's forums, and the ensuing controversy led Funcom to fire the GM for unacceptable behavior and violation of the customer service guidelines. Destructoid then interviewed the prankster and hosted the unedited version of the conversation screenshots.Frankly, we're not sure who is the bigger jackass -- the GM for his unprofessional behavior, or the player for baiting him into it. Everyone seems to have his or her own unique interpretation of this fiasco.[Via Big Download]

  • Meet guys at the Apple Store

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I believe that a good percentage of our staff here at TUAW is married, female, or both, so being the bachelor that I am, I'll be the one to post the news that Apple Stores are a great place to meet single men, sent to us by reader Naveed (and I do believe this might be the first and hopefully the last time that TUAW has ever linked to Cosmo). Yes, Cosmopolitan ranks the Apple Store as the number one place for women to meet guys (although it is on the same long list as political rallies and steakhouses, so maybe Cosmo has no idea what it's talking about).But hey, the single male bloggers of TUAW can't help but agree that yes, if you're going hunting for us, there's no better place to go than your local Apple retailer. Not only are us male Mac-heads intelligent, green, and playful, but when you single ladies want to know how to share your iTunes media, or hook up your new Time Capsule, we'll be right there with the answer.