

  • Gualtiero Boffi / EyeEm via Getty Images

    Turns out smartphones aren't making millennials grow horns after all

    Georgina Torbet
    Georgina Torbet

    Demonizing smartphones and millennials is a favorite past time among certain segments of the population, and earlier this year there was an excellent opportunity for both when a science journal published a dubious article claiming that using smartphones or tablets led to forward head posture which caused a bony protuberance to grow at the back of the skull. This was quickly picked up and reported as 'smartphones causing young people to grow horns'.

  • Barely Related: Science's Bob Dylan, Twin Peaks tease

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    May your weekends be filled with liveliness and joy. Welcome to Barely Related, a conversational Friday column that presents the non-gaming news stories that we, the Joystiq staff, have been talking about over the past week. And no, we're not stopping our focus on industry and gaming news. Think of this as your casual weekly recap of interesting (and mostly geeky) news, presented just in time to fill your brain with things to discuss at all of those weekend shindigs. Grab a fresh drink, lean back in your armchair, and get ready to talk nerdy with us.

  • Sound Taxi composes music from London city buzz, doesn't even take a fare

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    What you see above isn't just another shameless car stereo project, but a black cab that turns the hustle and bustle of city noise into music. The Sound Taxi toured London last week collecting ambient sound pollution with a roof-mounted mic, recycling it through production software and then pumping out real-time mixes on its army of speakers and horns. The mobile disco was a collaboration between headphone company AiAiAi and Yuri Suzuki, with Mark McKeague providing the back-end wizardry which turned clamor into samples into tracks. If you'd like to hear the fruits of their labor, then head over to the Make The City Sound Better website (sourced below) for some uploaded examples of London street beats.

  • EQ2 Sarnak character creation video how-to

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Servers are down for the EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark expansion patch and you can't wait to make your new Sarnak. Now you don't have to wait. Almost.Massively knows you dream of how your new toon is going to look so we are giving you a head start. This 8+ minute video shows all the options in creating a Sarnak at the character creation screen.Horn length, horn angle, head horns, scale patterns, scale colors, nose, chin and jaw shape. You name it, we covered it. Watch it a few times and when the servers come back up, you'll already know what options you want and you'll be ready to play.Keep checking in on Massively for the latest news on EQ2: RoK as well as two more videos spotlighting the unique characteristics of the Sarnak coming your way today.