

  • Lichborne: Guys and Ghouls

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Welcome to Lichborne, where we ask the tough questions: Will Death Knights be ready for launch? Will they really have 3 trees that can tank and DPS? And what kind of a ghoul name is Eyeslobber? Ghouls have been one of my most beloved features of the Death Knight for some now. I like having an undead squire by my side, and they can be pretty useful for some extra dps and even some lifesaving interference in a pinch. However, they also felt like one of the least firmed up aspects of a Death Knight for some time now, with abilities coming and going on a patchly basis, and bugs that kept the ghoul from being summoned or allowed to summon a massive army of ghouls in no time flat. Still, they have their uses, and despite still being incredibly flimsy healthwise, do offer a decent amount of extra damage when they're up. The drawback is that 50 silver is a lot for a pet that lasts less than 5 minutes, and without points in the Unholy tree, the Ghoul is completely uncontrollable, and may have a tendency to run into suicidal situations without listening to a word you say. As far as perfecting the Ghoul and deciding on its place in the class, there seems to be two schools of thought. The first, mostly made of Unholy specced Death Knights, sees the Ghoul as a fun and useful part of the class, and wants to see it tweaked to have good survivability, good dps, and generally be worth keeping out. The other class see Ghouls as mostly a novelty, a thing to be bought out occasionally, and such a pain to upkeep that they don't really want to have to deal with it as a pillar of the class. They'd rather be able to forget it exists when they want to. Both positions have their passionate supporters, but Blizzard seems to have found a rather ingenious way to give both sides what they want: Talents. Recent talent changes provide a lot of buffs, and if you collect them all, you should have a much easier time using your ghoul to your hearts content.

  • Death Knight Gameplay Movies: Unholy and Blood trees

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Jadefury, also known as Leiah, writer of the World of Feedback blog, has fast become one of the most recognizable names in Deathknighting of those following the Wrath Beta. Among his contributions have been 2 videos that showcase the leveling playstyle of Unholy and Blood trees. They're definitely worth a watch for anyone who's seriously thinking of playing a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King. The Unholy video, shown above, uses this spec. It actually relies quite heavily on two Blood talents: Butchery and Vendetta. Those 2 talents provide the Death Knight with health and runic power after every mob death, which helps power Corpse Explosions and allows the Death Knight to stand up to lots of monsters at once. Jadefury also shows the power of Death and Decay, Lichborne, and Bone Armor, and even throws in an exploding Ghoul or two, following it all up with a showcase of the awesome Death Gate animation. I have to admit that I have some concern that this style of AE farming won't be viable for Death Knights everywhere, since in this video, he relied extensively on getting Runic Power via Vendetta due to quick kills on the low HP slimes in the Pools of Aggonar. On the other hand, it looks like a lot of fun, and solidifies my personal resolve to try an Unholy build first. After the break, we'll watch the Blood video.

  • AoC dev discusses Necro patch changes and future updates

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Monday's Age of Conan patch saw some hefty nerfs to area effect spells for both the Tempest of Set and the Necromancer. System designer "Jayde" decided to elaborate on the Necro changes in the forums, and also to discuss the future updates to the class, which may give some hope to those that were thinking of ditching their mains.Half of the upcoming changes that Jayde lists nearly made it into Monday's patch, but seeing as they missed that one, they should almost certainly be included this Thursday. It all looks like extremely good stuff for Necros, with many spells getting large damage boosts, as well as increases to the effect of the +magic damage stat to damage-over-times spells, among other things. The second update will give some of the Necro pets splash damage on their attacks. As a general statement, Jayde said that Funcom intends for Necromancers to be "a competitive damage class at the top levels of DPS", and will make adjustments until this proves to be true; in other words, hang in there guys!

  • Age of Conan's system designer explains combat stats

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    One of the most difficult things about getting up and running in a new MMO world is figuring out what all the stats mean, how they relate to one another, and which ones you should focus on gearing to achieve the greatest return for your character. There's been a distinct lack of clarity with Age of Conan's itemization up to this point, and Funcom System Designer Jayde recently made a post on the official European boards in the hopes of clearing up the confusion.What's most interesting to us is the way that they've designed their system so that there are separate statistics for PvE and PvP. The goal, according to Jayde, is to provide a reasonable parity between high and low leveled characters so that players of all sorts can compete on the same battlefield. You're still not liable to beat a fully-decked out level 80 when you're fresh out of Tortage, but you'll actually be able to do damage without having all your attacks parried, blocked, or resisted, as happens in many other MMOs. Jayde has promised a more complete guide to Age of Conan's stats in the near future, and we anxiously await seeing what the amateur statisticians make of that.

  • AoC: Necromancers in line for radical changes

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    FunCom system designer Jayde has announced the next step in the retooling of some of Age of Conan's more gimped classes. After Demonologists got a survivability and damage boost, many players thought Assassins would be the next in line. They still might be - there's no clue to the content of this Thursday's patch - but it's the Necromancers whose future looks intriguing right now.The focus is squarely on pets: the Necromancer looks set to become a true pet class, reminiscent of the Mastermind from City of Villains. 'The balance and progression of the class is being altered to introduce 2 pet points every 5 levels after level 5, resulting in all 8 base pet points being available at level 20 instead of at level 70.' Access to ad hoc bonus pet points is also being improved, with a rework to the Nightfall feat tree. For those unacquainted with the Necromancer, this means they will have a lot more undead at their command throughout their careers than they used to. Age of Conan deals with Necromancer pets on a point-based system, allowing players to choose whether they want a lot of weaker pets, a few strong ones, or a mix.