

  • Looking for Guild: In preparation for Wildstar

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    So I guess people are pretty excited about WildStar. Once again, all entries for this LFG column consist entirely of players looking for a guild in the upcoming WildStar, and they may just have the right idea. If you're a guild leader looking to populate your guild with the smartest and possibly best-looking readers of the best MMO blogsite in the universe, you've come to the right place. Follow along after the jump for the complete list of players looking to catch the early guild train in WildStar.

  • Looking for Guild: WildStar

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    In this week's Looking for Guild column, we have a WildStar beta player looking for a home. The game may not be officially launched yet, but the videos and guides from other beta players are getting many fans excited for what's to come. Are you looking for a guild in a new game? Even if you're just looking to try a different guild in an old game, the Looking for Guild column can help. Follow along after the jump to read more on how to get listed.

  • Looking for Guild: Mixed bag

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    As we recover from the holiday insanity, we can now concentrate on getting back into some serious gaming again. This week's LFG column is a mixed bag of players looking for guilds and guilds looking for players. Hey, maybe they could help each other out! While most of the submissions are from Final Fantasy XIV players, we also have one from an Elder Scrolls Online guild leader looking to get set up properly before launch. Follow along after the jump for the list and complete rules on how to submit your own LFG entry!

  • Looking for Guild: FFXIV

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Final Fantasy XIV's successful relaunch was certainly one of the big stories of 2013, taking many of us on the team by surprise. It gave us hope that game companies can recover from failed launches if they play their cards exactly right. We see that love for the reborn fantasy MMO here in the LFG column, especially, as more and more Massively readers are reaching out to find like-minded guilds to join. This week is no exception as we have an archer looking for a free company to call home in today's listing.

  • Looking For Guild: These guilds need you!

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Ordinarily, we like to help Massively readers find their next guild in this column, but this week we're doing things a bit differently by reversing the roles. That's right, this week we're allowing guilds to get their info out there for all to see. The response to our call-out was excellent and I'm happy to say that many of you might just be finding the guild of your dreams today. For the next edition, we'll be going back to normal, but I'd also like you to submit a personal story if you've been helped through this column. I'll include a few testimonials in future columns down the line. But now, on to this week's list of guilds just after the cut!

  • Looking for Guild: WoW and FFXIV

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Things have been going well for the connections made through this column behind the scenes. It seems that we're connecting someone just about every week, although mostly in Final Fantasy XIV! But this week we have someone looking for friendlies in World of Warcraft (OK, and also FFXIV). For next week, I want to do something a little different and switch things around to be all about guilds looking for members. You can certainly still send in your requests for guilds as normal, but in two weeks, it will be all about guild advertising, then we'll go back to normal. So read on past the cut to see how you can get your guild on the next installment of this column, and check out those looking for a guild of their own in this week's list.

  • Looking for Guild: FFXIV and Fallen Earth

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Did you miss us last week? Now that the submissions have slowed down quite a bit, we're switching to a biweekly schedule for the Looking for Guild column. So if you're on the fence about jumping in and joining up with a Massively player guild (or creating your own), now's the time! This week we have three Final Fantasy XIV players looking to join up with other like-minded adventurers and one from Fallen Earth who's tired of soloing the wasteland. You can catch the entire list after the jump.

  • The Guild Counsel: Low in levels? Join a guild!

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Every single MMO player should be part of a guild. Yes, you too! Massively Shawn's recently launched Looking for Guild column has been well received and is bridging players with potential guilds. But one comment that pops up quite often is that players like the column but plan to wait and level up more before throwing their hats in the ring. Don't wait, and don't hesitate! It's never too soon to join a guild, and there are plenty of good reasons to jump in even if you aren't of the same level as everyone else. Let's look at a few in this week's Guild Counsel.

  • Looking for Guild: Even more FFXIV

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    If I was a betting man, I'd say that Final Fantasy XIV's relaunch is a success. Of course, I base this solely on the fact that so much positive feedback is coming out of players, which is certainly welcome after the game's initial launch. Here on LFG, we're also getting quite a few players looking to play with more people in the fantasy-based MMO. It's almost like some enterprising young guild leader could come by and swoop these folks up for a Massively reader guild of their own. Read on past the cut for this week's list (consisting entirely of FFXIV submissions) and don't forget to submit your own for next week!

  • Looking for Guild: More FFXIV, DCUO

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    It was another successful week in the land of LFG as we saw connections between guildies and guild leaders for Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, and The Secret World. It was also great to see so many positive comments in last week's article! I do plan to revisit any uncontacted submissions in future round-ups, most likely based on particular games as themes. So, for example, I may have a Lord of the Rings Online week where I repost all LFG entries that didn't find a guild yet in that game. Does this week's list have who you're looking for? Read on past the jump to see who's looking for a guild.

  • Looking for Guild: Defiance, FFXIV, GW2, and more

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Wow. When I first pitched the idea for this column, I figured we'd get a bit of interest, but I never imagined we'd get as swamped as we did. It seems that a lot of you out there are really in need of a good guild! For this first "real" week of the column, I'm going to go ahead and list every submission we received so far because I think everyone should get their info out there, and the sooner the better. If you're a guild leader and you find someone in this list who interests you, just send me an email showing that person's submission at shawn@massively.com with the subject line "LFM - (game name)" and I will pass along the contact info. And most importantly, if you find a guild or guildie through the column, let us know! And now, the list!

  • Looking for Guild: We want to help you find your next guild!

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Do you ever find yourself standing alone in your favorite MMO, staring longingly at the group content that lies ahead? Has your guild abandoned you for the newest shiny MMO? Are you a guild leader looking to expand your ranks? Fret no more, fellow MMO fans, for we are starting up a brand-new column this week for those of you looking for a new guild or guildie. We'd like to think that Massively readers are a unique bunch and should all be playing these games together, so we're going to do what we can to help that along. While we've done similar community pushes in the past, we want to present this current column as a more personalized approach to finding a guild or guildie. Think of it as a personals ad for the guildless or under-guilded.

  • The Guild Counsel: How to find the right guild for you

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Each week, no matter what the topic of this column, there are always comments from players who have had a bad experience with a guild or who have sworn off guilds entirely. Unfortunately, there are quite a few guilds that are poorly managed, and they come with their share of drama, stress, and frustration. But for those that aren't currently in a guild, I'd like to use this week's column to (hopefully) convince you to rethink things and perhaps give it another try. In this week's Guild Counsel, Let's take a look at why unguilded players are in a great position to find a good match, and what things to look for in order to find that perfect guild.

  • Drama Mamas: How to find a World of Warcraft guild

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    There's so much more to joining a guild in World of Warcraft than clicking an uninvited newbie zone popup or replying to a random whisper while you're trying to quest. We wouldn't go so far as to say there's a science to getting it right; joining a guild is more of an art, an intersection of careful screening and social serendipity. While it's true that you can successfully fumble about in the relatively unpopulated leveling zones or run the dungeon and raid finders on your own, you'll enjoy a richer, more complete game experience if you play with other players as intended. This guide is not about figuring out what type of guild might best suit you. (We've cover that in a future guide.) If you're unguilded or dissatisfied with your current guild but not quite sure how to describe the kind of group that would make your online gaming experience feel just right, consider this week's pointers as food for thought until we can analyze your own guild needs. If you're ready to find a new guild right now, read on for the best ways to connect with a quality organization.

  • Enter at Your Own Rift: Fishin' and survivin'

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    One of the parts of the recent RIFT producer's letter that caught my eye was the hint that there will soon be more to do in game besides "stab" stuff. Maybe I'm mellowing in my old age, or perhaps it's because of my inner Bartle explorer player-type, but I'm enjoying activities in MMOs that don't involve mass slaughter all the time. Usually, that means crafting, but the inventory management that's required often leaves me cross-eyed by the time I'm done. With Update 1.8, RIFT will add two new skills to the game: fishing and survival. Non-combat activities have already been introduced in past updates, like the wedding instance, but these two new skills look to be fun games within the game, so I was eager to check things out. Join me as I don some hip-waders, pack up some flint, and head to PTS for a peek at fishing, survival, and a quick peek at the looking-for-guild tool.

  • Drama Mamas: How to find gaming buddies

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Drama Mamas Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are experienced gamers and real-life mamas -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of the checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your realm. We've talked before about how to leave your guild, but what happens after that? Hey Drama Mamas! Today i write to you lovely ladies with a problem that I have been wrestling with for almost 4 years: finding someone to play World of Warcraft with. Here is the high and low of it, or rather the long and short: Four or so years ago my brother starts playing a game that I considered to be a money sand trap: World of Warcraft, I cannot honestly say I was friendly to the franchise as at the time I was Neverwinter Night's personal slave (still am sometimes) but to make a long story short (too late) I was persuaded to take a vacation to Azeroth and I have never left. I fell in love with the planet and its people and while my hearth stone will always be set to Neverwinter, I am really enjoying my time in Azeroth.

  • Breakfast Topic: How's the Guild Finder working for you?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. When Blizzard first proposed the Looking for Guild tab, I remember talking with my officers about whether we'd have a presence on it. The stated reason for the tab was to help people looking for a guild find one without having to stand in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and hollering, "Level 85 tank LFGuild!" My guild is rather specific in what we do and to whom we would appeal. Our recruiting is generally word of mouth and, I admit, winning one of the last WoW Insider Guilds of the Month titles helped, a lot. But we came to the conclusion that we should have a presence in the Guild Finder interface. You never know who is out there looking for a guild like us. So I drew up a sales pitch and opened up the interface the first day it was available. Honestly, it's a pretty generic format. We run all content and raid pretty much any day. We don't have class restrictions so if we have more hunters than anything else, well, we have more hunters than anything else and hunters are still welcome to join. The only way to really distinguish yourself was your carefully worded sales pitch at the bottom. Would that be enough for people to find us?

  • Looking for guild feature available on patch 4.1 PTR

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    There's a new, never-before-seen feature on the patch 4.1 PTR right now: Looking for Guild. The feature only appears when you aren't in a guild, taking the place of the usual "you aren't in a guild" message you get when you're guildless on live realms. Overall, the feature looks a bit too simplified for serious raiding or PvP guilds, but for anyone looking for a casual, social, or leveling guild, this new feature seems like a great way to ease the guild search.

  • WoW Rookie: Joining your first guild

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the resources they need to get acclimated. Send us a note to suggest a WoW Rookie topic.World of Warcraft is categorized as a MASSIVELY Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) – so it only makes sense that you should aim to connect with (relatively) massive numbers of other players when you're playing. While it's true that you can successfully fumble about in the relatively unpopulated leveling zones on your own, you'll enjoy a richer, more complete game experience if you play with other players, as intended. At some point, even social butterflies who meet other players at the drop of an emote should consider teaming up with other players in a more structured way by joining a guild.Guilds are teams of players who share similar goals or play styles. A guild that fits your needs will sweep your enjoyment to a whole new level. It's like gaining a pool of automatic friends. Your guildmates are the folks who can group with you, craft items for you, lend directions and advice to you, loan you a few gold when things are tight, and keep you company in guild chat or Vent as you quest your way through the levels. But not just any guild will do. Guilds are formed, evolve, break up and reform for all sorts of different reasons. It's up to you to find a group that matches your play style, personality and needs. Being part of the coolest, most uber raiding guild on the server is utterly worthless if you're the only, lonely level 32 casual among its ranks. Joining a level 80 progression raiding guild or a competitive PvP team can be a tricky endeavor, and it's most assuredly not what we're covering here today. For ways to target a guild that fits you as a new, leveling WoW player, read on.