mac users


  • Apple: 26 million copies of Lion OS sold, 66 million Mac users

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    As we try to get to our feet after that tidal wave of hardware announcements, Apple's moved onto Mac OS, quoting with some impressive new figures. Over 26 million copies of OS X Lion have now been sold, making it Apple's "best-selling release ever." Meanwhile, Mac users now total over 66 million -- that's three times the number in 2007. For more coverage of WWDC 2012, please visit our event hub!

  • Channel Four on Demand: Sorry, Mac users

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Mac users in the UK have been waiting a long time (like, years) for Channel 4's Video on Demand "Catch Up" service to come to their platform, and finally, after long last, the day is here. And they're sorry, Mac users -- they say so with the cute video above. Of course, the reason why it's now compatible is because it's the Flash-based web version linked above, and not actually the desktop app that Windows users had. But late and web-based is still better than never, right? Right?At any rate, it's nice to know they care enough to make a funny video. The site features Channel 4 content for up to 30 days after broadcast, so if you happen to miss Hollyoaks, Skins, or Fat Pets (I'm just kidding -- being an ignorant American, I have no idea what those shows are or if they're any good), there's your chance to catch up.

  • The Street: "Mac Owners Are Snobs"

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    According to a recent The Street video, they say that Mac users are "snobs." The video, which is based on research by Mindset Media says that Mac owners are more likely: to be perfectionists to use notebooks to use teeth whitening products to drive station wagons to pay for downloaded music to go to Starbucks care about "green" products and the environment to own a hybrid car and last but not least ... to buy 5 pairs of sneakers in a year I don't know about you, but I cannot remember the last time I have owned (or least bought) five pairs of sneakers in one year's time. I must agree with the downloading music, going to Starbucks, and the green products. The research also showed that Mac users are more likely to be liberals. In my opinion, this research does seem a little slanted, as my experience has been the opposite (as far as being "snobby" goes). What do you think?[via Insanely Great Mac]

  • MetaFacts report finds that AAPL popular with the AARP crowd

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    According to MetaFacts 2006 Home PC Brand Profile Report, 46% of Apple's base is over the age of 55, compared with 25.2% of other platforms. The Home PC Brand Profile Report is "one of a series of summary reports on specific topics based on the results of MetaFacts' 2006 Technology User Profile (TUP) study, which reveal the changing patterns of technology adoption and use in American households and businesses."Dan Ness of MetaFacts says "Apple can claim long-time loyalists, but its future among the young technoliterati is an interesting dynamic, with a higher-than-average share of US home's primary PC users falling into this age group."I say "With age, comes wisdom."Other interesting tidbits in the report include the fact that Apple users are buying more portables than desktops, even as their primary home computer, which isn't as surprising as it used to be. Why tether yourself to a desk when the couch is so much more comfy?All you have to do now is teach Grandma that the Internet and the application used to browse the Internet are not one and the same and you'll both be set.