

  • The Elves of WAR: Disciple of Khaine levels 11-15

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Levels 11 through 15 for the Disciple of Khaine --much like the other classes -- give you your three first Career Tactics. These passive abilities allow you to slightly alter the way your class functions in combat. However, at this level you're only allowed to slot one Career Tactic at a time. One of these first Tactics increases your survivability by improving the effect heals have on you by 10% -- it's shared between the other Dark Elf classes, too. However, the other two Tactics are aimed at increasing your damage output in two very different ways. Divine Fury boosts your overall damage by 25% at the cost of reducing your healing effectiveness by 20% and Khaine's Blessing bumps up your auto-attack speed by 50% every time you land a critical hit.Your rank 2 Morale is much more interesting, though. It hits every enemy around you for 80dmg and then heals your entire group for the total amount of damage dealt. Having no range, you only need to make sure you've got a nice bulk of targets in the near vicinity. Combined with the Divine Fury tactic, you can actually heal a bit more than normal with this particular attack, too.

  • The Elves of WAR: Witch Elf levels 11-15

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    For levels 11 through 15 of the Witch Elf class, you'll be seeing your first three Career Tactics come into play. These are passive traits that tweak the way your character will fight. You can only have one Career Tactics equipped early on, which means you'll have to choose just one for now. Our personal favorite is the Tactic that gives you a 33% chance to build on extra Blood Lust (BL) every time you use a BL building ability.Other gains for the Witch Elf class include a particularly nasty rank 2 Morale ability that sucks Action Points (AP) and Strength (for 30 seconds) from its target. This ability effectively solidifies the Witch Elf as a class that can be designed to endlessly annoy and grief a tank. So if there's a particular type of player you want to see suffering, then you'll need to make sure you grab the Force of Will ability. Finally, you'll get a disarm ability at level 14 that will see a lot of use in RvR situations against both tanks and other DPS classes.

  • The Elves of WAR: White Lion levels 6-10

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In the first five levels of this High Elf melee dps career, we got a lion, an axe and an attitude. Time to take it on the road for five more levels and all the new abilities that come with it.Level 6 - Sundering Chop40 AP, Instant cast, 5ft rangeA powerful axe chop which deals 28 damage. If you are behind the enemy, then this attack will ignore 50% of their armor.With you lion set in tank mode with Trained to Threaten, this axe attack replaces Hack as your spam attack. It costs a little more in AP, but does about 50% more damage if you are behind the mob.

  • The Elves of WAR: Sorceress levels 6-10

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The first five levels of the Sorceress class outfitted her with the basics spell-wise. These next five levels, however, add plenty of tricks into the mix. There's still more direct damage to be had, especially with your first morale ability. However, a lot of what you're getting in levels six through ten are buffs and debuffs or Augmentations and Hexes, as Warhammer Online likes to call them. Umbral Strikes is going to be your bread and butter buff for a while after you get it, as the spell gives everyone in your group a 25% chance to cause extra damage whenever they attack. One particularly interesting ability allows you to deal slightly more damage to a target of your choosing over a period of time, but less damage to everything else as a cost. This one seems like an obvious choice for epic monsters or maybe that particularly annoying tank in RvR. Your level ten spell is probably the second most important spell, next to your brand new buff. It's a classic AoE root that no spellcaster should be without, really.

  • The Elves of WAR: Disciple of Khaine levels 6-10

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Levels six through ten for the Disciple of Khaine see you receiving not only your first morale ability (hint: it's a big heal) but also your first revive spell at level ten. The especially nice thing about the Dark Elf healer's revive spell is that it costs no Action Points (AP) to use and it builds 20 Soul Essence (SE) on top of that, too. The only drawback is that it's got a six second casting time, which doesn't make it the most immediate revive in the heat of battle. Another first for these levels is a very nice de-taunting spell that's definitely handy to have for later Public Quests.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Shadow Warrior levels 1-5

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Our overview of the High Elf ranged dps career, the Shadow Warrior, may not be enough for you. So here we are with an examination of every skill from level one through five. It's the latest installment of Massively's pre-NDA coverage of Warhammer Online, the Elves of WAR.Shadow Warriors are the quintessential bow-and-blade class, with skills in long-range, short-ranged and hand-to-hand combat. They have three stances they can switch between at a moment's notice that buffs each combat speciality. The first one, Scout Stance, is explained below along with the other beginning abilities.Level 1 - Scout Stance5 sec cooldownA long distance bow stnace that increases your Ballistic Skill initiative by 2 and the range of your bow attacks by 10%.Level 1 - Eagle Eye45 AP, 2sec cast, 5-100ft rangeA well aimed arrow that deals 53 damage.Level 1 - Grim Slash40 AP, Instant cast, 5ft rangeDeals 30 damage to your target.These are your two basic attacks, ranged and melee, with a ranged buff. Encounters are simple as shoot until melee range, then spam Grim Slash.

  • The Elves of WAR: Witch Elf levels 6-10

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    We gave you the first five levels of the Witch Elf and hey, that was pretty awesome. However, now we've got the next five levels and they're totally cooler than the last five. We swear! It's within these levels that you'll get your first morale ability for the Witch Elf class, which adds another layer to the combat. Up until this point, combat in Warhammer Online feels somewhat typical, aside from the Blood Lust (BL) mechanic for the Witch Elf. So once you've earned this Rank 1 morale ability, you'll find yourself experiencing a more complete and varied combat system.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Swordmaster levels 1-5

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Maybe the High Elf melee dps and healer careers aren't your preferred playstyle. It's time to look at the High Elf tanking class, the Swordmaster, in our continuing exclusive pre-NDA coverage of the Elves of WAR. We've already written up an overview of the class and its chain-combo fighting style, but now let's start from the beginning and work our way up.Level 1Graceful Strike - 40 AP, Instant cast, 5ft rangeLeads to Improved BalanceA swift attack that deals 10 damage and Cripples for an additional 20 damage over 5 seconds. Monsters struck with this technique will hate you more.Throw - 20 AP, 1sec cast, 5-65ft rangeA basic throwing attack that inflicts 10 damage. Has a chance to deal 90 damage to a severely wounded traget if you are behind them.Throw is good for pulling, but Graceful Strike is your bread-and-butter dps plus taunt ability and it starts your combo chain by shifting you from Balance to Improved Balance.

  • The Elves of WAR: Dark Elf Chapter I Public Quest, Spires of Narthain

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The first Public Quest (PQ) we came across while playing our Dark Elves was a very cool experience, especially considering that this is only the first of many PQs. We suppose it's in Mythic's best interest to -- pardon the term -- wow players early and often and the Spires of Narthain PQ does exactly that. Around level four or five, you'll be headed to the area your map has conveniently indicated for you to complete some quests. Suddenly, an objective indicator will show up in the upper-right portion of your screen. What's this? Well, you've arrived at the Spires of Narthain, the last bastion of High Elf defense in this area. Get ready for some action.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the White Lion, levels 1-5

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Earlier in the week we gave you a broad overview of this Warhammer Online class based on our higher level beta experiences. Today, we continue our exclusive pre-NDA look at the Elves of WAR with a look at the White Lion class from the ground up.The White Lion career is a melee dps class on the side of Order only available to High Elves. With a loyal lion pet by their side and an enormous axe in their hand the White Lion is very good at taking down enemies, especially small groups of them.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Archmage, levels 1-5

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Massively's exclusive pre-NDA coverage of the Elves of Warhammer Online continues with this sneak peek at the beginning levels of the High Elf healer class, the Archmage. The Archmage has an interesting mechanic it shares with the Destruction Goblin Shaman, a ying/yang relationship between his offensive and healing spells. Every time an Archmage casts a healing spell, he gains a point in Force up to 5 points maximum. Every point of Force will reduce the casting time of offensive spells by 20%. That means at maximum Force, your next nuke will be insta-cast. For offensive spells that are already insta-cast, each point of Force will increase that spells potency by 5%. Once an offensive spell is cast, Force resets to zero.The same holds true in reverse. For every damage spell the Archmage casts, he gains a point of Tranquility, resetting the counter when he finally uses his stored up Tranquility to power a defensive spell. Out of combat, any gained points will quickly fade.Level one through five spell details after the jump!

  • The Elves of WAR: Level 1-5 quests for High Elves

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Massively's exclusive coverage of the Elves of WAR continues with a look at the first five levels in the Warhammer Online for High Elves. Whether you roll an Archmage, Shadow Warrior, Swordmaster or White Lion, your High Elf will follow the same quest line, unless you fly to one of the other racial starting areas. Either way, prepare to have it out with Dark Elves from the get go.Upon creating your High Elf you start the game in the outpost of Moonrise on the Blighted Isle. You'll have some basic abilities/spells already slotted in your hotbar. There is only one quest giver in the outpost, Silvshara Greywind. She gives a kill quest for six Dark Sprites in the forest, then five Dark Elf Infiltrators.After completing the kill quests, your High Elf will be level two and be able to train in a new spell/ability by talking to the NPC with the bullseye over their head. If you don't have enough cash, you can kill a few more Dark Elves in the forest for coin and loot you can sell to the vendor.Your next quest sends you to the quest hub in Calumel to the southeast. On the way there, you'll find an Elf who will give you the quest to shoot Harpies with the Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower next to him. This uses none of your spells/abilities, but puts you in shooter mode where you take control of the launcher and aim the crosshairs at the Harpies. This is just training for RvR use of harpoons and other siege equipment later in the game. But don't pass this up as it's easy exp and he will send you on to the same place you were heading anyway.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Sorceress

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Do dark magical forces beckon you? It could be that the Dark Elf Sorceress -- Sorcerer for males -- is just the class for you in Warhammer Online, so long as you don't mind being an Elf. The Sorceress is -- for all intents and purposes -- your typical mage-type class. Don't take that statement at face value, though. There is a nice twist to the class that helps keep things interesting while you nuke the snot out of everything in sight. The difference between, say, a Sorceress and an Archmage is the disdain for any adherence to the balancing act with magical energies. Where a High Elf crafts her magic with a careful touch, a Sorceress steals as much as she can and flings all of it at her enemies at once. This doesn't come without a risk, of course.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Disciple of Khaine

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The Bloody Handed god has priests like any of the other gods in Warhammer Online, only his priests come with a twist. They are known as Disciples of Khaine and they relish dealing death to their enemies like the rest of their brothers and sisters. These dark, devoted believers of Khaine deal death a bit differently, though. They take their enemies' strength and give it to their allies in order to bolster the battle towards Dark Elven favor. Typically you'll see a Disciple of Khaine carrying disturbingly-shaped ritual blades, which are the implements used to suck the Soul Essence from their foes. Although, they're also able to carry a chalice in their off-hand as well.For players looking to go toe-to-toe with their enemies while keeping their allies fighting the good fight, this class is a very nice fit. Unlike your typical mace-swinging healer of old, this is a class that wouldn't think twice about running someone through with their twisted blade.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Witch Elf

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    We know some of you probably aren't looking to have quests and their delectably gooey centers spoiled for you, so with that in mind we've got something else for you to sink your teeth into. While there may only be three Dark Elf classes for now, they're at least compelling classes for anyone looking to be a dark, brooding badass. For this post, we're going to focus on the Witch Elf and her nasty array of sharp, stabby, poisonous and just all-around deadly attacks. Each ability is listed in the order you acquire it as you level up and train. Also, keep in mind that the damage listed is only the initial ability and its leveled-up version.

  • The Elves of WAR: "The Joys of War"

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    We've seen the first quest for the Dark Elves in Warhammer Online, and it wasn't quite what we were expecting. You could definitely say we were happily surprised. So to be honest, we didn't expect the second quest to be so much cooler than the first. After turning in Blood Feud, you find yourself tasked with a much more vicious quest called, "The Joys of War" This time you're ordered to operate a massive siege weapon, which will rid the beach of pesky High Elf warriors. It's really their own fault for getting in your armies' way of conquering The Blighted Isle.The High Elves aren't expecting this terrible attack, because they're an honorable race of snooty know-it-all types. Why would anyone do such a dishonorable thing? Well, to win the war, obviously. It was so much fun watching those tippy-toeing High Elves prance up the beach while we nailed them (literally, in a sense) in the face for 30,000 damage with high-grade Reaper Bolt Thrower spikes. Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out our other exclusive Elves of War features and all of our previous Warhammer Online features. Plus, don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • The Elves of WAR: Your very first Dark Elf quest

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    So what's the very first thing you do when you log into Warhammer Online as a Dark Elf? You accept the quest "Blood Feud" and get right to the High Elf killing, of course. Surrounded by the towering ebony ships known as Black Arks, the very first thing you see is a Dark Elf man. He has light purple skin, is wrapped in red robes and metal bracing and his name is Gorthan Rakar. He has a job for you:"Thousands of years have pased since our treacherous kin, the so-called High Elves, betrayed us by choosing the follow the pretender king, and used their vile magics to sunder our lands. So long have we waited for our revenge, and today, with the strength of the Black Ark behind us, we will have it!"After reading these words, you turn around and see before you a wide breadth of beach covered in NPC Corsairs fighting Sea Guards. It is up to you to aid in the slaughter for if not you, who else? Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out all of our previous Warhammer Online features, and don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Shadow Warrior

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Massively continues its exclusive pre-NDA coverage of the Elves of Warhammer Online with this spotlight on a master of Ranged DPS for the side of Order, The High Elf Shadow Warrior. They come in three flavors, Scouts (long-range dps specialists), Assault (close-combat) and Skirmish (short-range bow specialists). Each one of these masteries has a corresponding Stance that boosts their key abilities:Scout Stance - Increases your Ballistic and Initiative scores and your maximum rangeAssault Stance - Increases your Strength and Weapon skill as well as increases your Armor by 100% Skirmish Stance - Increases your Toughness and crit chance.This career comes with a long list of bow attacks and a fair amount of blade attacks. Shadow Warriors also get the Vengeance of Nagarythe ability. Every 3 mins you can increase your damage by 20% for 15 seconds and unlock special additional abilities on many of your exisiting attacks for the duration.

  • The Elves of WAR: Meet the Swordmaster

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Massively continues its exclusive pre-NDA look into the Elves of Warhammer Online. This article focuses on the Swordmaster, the High Elf tanking career specializing in combo chains called the Blade Dance. Through the use of enchanted Great Swords and Shields as well as natural elven agility, Swordmasters not only endure the incoming attacks of their enemies, but also unlock powerful abilities as the battle progresses. Every Swordmaster has a Balance state. At the beginning of battle, their Balance state is Normal, but special attacks improve their Balance and unlocks a new set of attacks. When the Swordmaster reaches Perfect Balance they can unleash their most fearsome abilities, but at the cost of resetting their Balance back to Normal.Being a tank class, most of their abilities are focused on taunting, debuffing and protection of their allies through attacks on the enemy. But through mastery trees, each player can customize the class in different ways. Through the Khaine (offense), Vaul (defense) and Hoeth (magic) mastery trees the Swordmaster will not only gain new abilities, but will buff core abilities that improve Balance in a way that works with the chosen playstyle. Plus, there are three different blade enchants the Swordmaster has access to, though only one can be active at any time, that will also get buffed by the corresponding mastery tree.

  • The Daily Grind: Would you rather play High Elves or Dark Elves?

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    So we've given you some hot-off-the-pre-NDA lift information on both the Dark Elves and High Elves. Now we pose to you a "Would you rather" situation: Dark Elves or High Elves? We're aware that Elves tend to be a love-hate relationship with most of us. So even if you would much rather run around as an awesome Greenskin or an Order race, we simply must know which of two evils would you pick and why?We can certainly understand if you'd want to play as the sinister, wicked and all-around clinically insane Dark Elves. Though there are likely plenty of people who enjoy running around in bright nansy-pansy High Elf robes with giant, golden swords, too. Our strategy is to pretend they're not most certainly surrounding us at every moment. If we succumbed to the truth of it, the world we've built up around ourselves may just crush us into tiny, gooey blogger giblets.