

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Ribbon-wielding cultists

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Pudie and Antubis and Sukugaru won last week's trivia! Pudie was the first to identify the origin of the song, and Sukugaru and Antubis reminded me that I had asked for the name of the song in specific, and not the movie title. The full answer was The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music from The Sound of Music. Lys' idea of Beauty and the Beast would also fit, and it hadn't occurred to me. You each have won a virtual and imaginary pet bunny prize! These bunnies shall come from outer space; very savvy and and genteel bunnies of witty and adventurous natures. As a bonus, for identifying the My Little Pony, Serthida wins a virtual and imaginary epic purple Valentine's Day cake! It tastes however you wish it to taste, and contains no calories, sugar, fat, etc. Heck, it's actually nutritious. This week's list of comics only appears to be of moderate length; it's actually quite long. As always, leave your comments, and send tips about WoW-related webcomics through our tip form, or leave them in the comments section as well.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Epic win

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    First of all, I would like to congratulate Keyra for winning the virtual cookies! This batch is vegan upon request, comes with a nice tall glass of cold soy milk, and I'll even throw in some fresh berries. Khloe Kardashian was the right answer to last week's impromptu trivia question! Watch out for this week's trivia question, buried in amongst the comics. Unfortunately, I didn't receive any new comic tips, but I don't think you'll be disappointed! On a side note, I feel very lucky that photographing one's collection of My Little Ponies is a relatively popular occurrence, for how else would I have found such a lovely epic pony? I had more to choose from than I would have imagined, but I finally narrowed it down to the lucky pony on the right.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Jazzercise

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Ladies and gentlemen, and all those with paws/hooves, etc, I think we might just be entering a new phase of the Sunday Morning Funnies. Why? Because this week's list is pretty long too. So long, in fact, that I had to throw it all behind the break again. Have I missed any? Do you know of a comic that isn't listed here? If so, throw it into the comments section! Let's see just how long we can make this thing. Hunt them down, and leave me a tip. Last week, I seem to recall promising you a Long Cat. Just to be safe, I've delivered two. Yes, you can all has long cats.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: We're long

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week's list is huge. Massive. You have to click through the break to even see it! But I warn you: before you do, you might want to make some preparations. Cancel whatever you have scheduled today. Make a pot of coffee. Do some stretches; long bouts of sitting are unhealthy. Feed the cats. Let the dog out. Seriously, this list is big. It's unruly! P.S. I tried to get you guys a good Long Cat picture but I failed you all. Maybe next time? Yes. Next time. In a related note, I have a distaste for the new way to search through the icanhascheezburger site. Ready? Set. Go!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Bearded Snuggle Bunny

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Last week's Funnies had quite the commenter turnout! To add my two cents (sorry, Canadian money), I would like to point out that despite the name of this column, web comics do not actually have to be funny to be included. Serious submissions, especially when coupled with stellar artwork, are always welcome. Incidentally, the name of this column was probably created just to confuse you.I'd also like to know when everybody allegedly started to prefer one-shot comics to those with a story arc? Personally, I love both types. I also enjoy recurring themes and "inside" jokes. I do try to feature comics that stand well on their own, but I'm not going to omit something good just because it doesn't appeal to everyone. Cru the Dwarf: Bedsheet Bump in the Night and the rather comical Brain Freeze that ensues. Experience Points: Vincent has his hands full with gear disputes, an overactive imagination, and the new iPhone Armory app that's acting a bit strangely. Flintlocke vs. the Horde: The Showdown, part 22. LFG: #270. Monkey Punchers: Turning Point. Kuo: Chapter 3, Kobold's Ambition 6. WoW eh: Milk: It'll Do Your Body Good. I love that last frame especially! Teh Gladiators: Fight it, Papa! NPC: Speciesists. The cats write a forum post in to Blizzard with some, er, suggestions, and Blizz Responds. I love these kitties! NoObz: NoobyNoob. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Hail the One True King. Thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read this! In fact, I think I've learned instinctively to put the cup down before I start reading this one. I recommend reading it over a few times, because the awesomeness doesn't fade. Side Note: Not WoW related, but totally kitty and MJ related, from The Adventures of Ebenezer and Snooch. Next, I will include a link to something that we've been tipped off to all week.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Failed analogies

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Can you believe it's almost April? I'm afraid of the impending warm weather. This week, we have two absentee comic authors, not counting those that do not update regularly. Fortunately, both left us filler content, so it's almost as if we're not missing anything. We also have a new, one-time comic this week. Awkward Zombie: Bully Mammoth. Check out the latest from Cru the Dwarf. I like this one, or "heart" it as it were. Dark Legacy Comics points to Death Knights as our latest common enemy, but did anyone pause for the butterfly? Blizzard has a fifth game in development, you know. Experience Points. Flintlocke vs. the Horde shows that while Trolls might be questionably gruesome, they're also pretty forgiving. Giant Sewer Rat. GU Comics. Check out the latest from LFG. Man, I love that bunny. New Venture, from Monkey Punchers. NoObz filler. NPC: Toxic Guilt. Teh Gladiators: All he wanted was to play. More filler! Due to the flu, Disgraph is filler this week. I wouldn't recommend reading it though if you're eating or have sympathetic reflexes. World of Warcraft, eh?: The Horse Men Cometh. SMBC has posted a WoW-relevant comic. Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Scrapbooking profession

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week's list has some real gems, including a new comic: Awkward Zombie: Nicked. I love this one! Cru the Dwarf actually listens sometimes! Experience Points: It's time to dig up a little scratch. Dark Legacy Comics: The Oracle. Check out the latest Flintlocke vs. the Horde. GU Comics: Salted Yeti Cheese. This should be especially relevant to people who are still farming their polar bear mount! The latest LFG made me laugh out loud. I'm kind of glad that I wasn't sipping my drink at the time. My poor keyboard can't take much more. Monkey Punchers: Hopeless. NoObz: Ninja. The newcomer to the list is a web comic that is just starting up, called NPC, or Non-Player Character, by Mary Varn. Check out the first comics, Pandering and Lies. Teh Gladiators: At Least I Had Chicken.... World of Warcraft, eh?: Don't Tase Me, Bro. Grinders: Head in the Clouds. Penny Arcade: This is Actually a Real Thing.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: On a Monday!

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    or, "They possess more flying fish than I expected."Although it is Monday, this morning I am going to pretend that it is in fact, Sunday. After all, no one really likes Mondays, even if they're manic. Luckily for you, I have quite the list of comics for your enjoyment! Awkward Zombie has posted another WoW-related comic, Stinking With Portals. Cru the Dwarf is now on page 72 of his echoing through time. Dark Legacy Comics points out the No-Fly Zone. I lean towards agreeing with them that the general placement of said zone is inconvenient. It seems to be a conspiracy on the part of the Flightmasters to convince me to pay them to fly me to Coldarra or Sholazar Basin. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if your reputation gains worked the same way as in-game? Actually, have you ever considered bravely sending a special someone an in-game gift? Experience Points has. In Flintlocke vs. the Horde, there seems to be a disagreement about who should be included as an adventuring buddy. GU Comics is Looking for Clever. Actually, Woody is looking to whore hire himself out! Check out the various ways you can put him to work and get some cool, collectible, and/or custom stuff. Check out the latest from LFG. Manic Graffiti always gets me smiling! Check out, Noobcow and Lame Jokes Heard While Waiting for PuGs to Start. Massive Pwnage has an inkling of what might be better than WoW. You Should See PvP. I always knew Flapcat was better than Ally-bird! Air Superiority was determined this past week on Monkey Punchers. NoObz points out that, especially for noobs, World of Warcraft can be a source of Stress. I know that many of you last week were disappointed with Ding!'s re-return, and unfortunately, there's no new comic this week. Teh Gladiators: Ping-Pong. World of Warcraft, eh? warns, You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry. The Scout Report has posted #63 and I love it. Unfortunately, I found out that when I tried to hit "Previous" to see if I had missed any other comics since last Sunday, it took me back to #52. So I recommend either jumping back five comics, or just reading from #52 if you think you've missed a couple! From The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf comes Nuts Make Me Giggle. On this musical-fruit-note, I end this week's list!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Your mom is hardcore

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This is the first Sunday in December, and I have a nice long list of comics for your perusal. Perhaps you could enjoy a seasonal chocolate beverage while you read, although I should caution you that your keyboard can't take many more episodes of you spitting out your drinks in laughter. Piggyback from Dark Legacy Comics shows us that vehicles have rights. Experience Points does the Wrath Gate event. Check out the latest from Flintlocke vs. the Horde. Wish Shakes and Fidget a hearty Welcome to Northrend. GU Comics wants to remind you to Honor they Father too. LFG is witnessing some changes. Manic Graffiti presents Noobcow and the Days of Jaina's Lives. Monkey Punchers shows us that not everyone wants Candle. In fact, some people No Want Candle. NoObz suggests that not all AFK'ers are actually away from the keyboard. Some may even be hard at work, in a way. Kissybear samples Death Knighthood. Kissybear starts to feel lonely. The Outland adventures of your favorite Teh Gladiators characters comes to a conclusion with Epilogue. What could they possibly get up to in Northrend? On The Scout Report, persuasiveness and persistence start to pay off.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Feeling violated

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It is once again, Sunday morning. While you Americans are probably still munching on turkey and pawing through the fruits of your Black Friday labors, I put up my Christmas tree and toasted myself a bagel. It isn't quite the same, of course, but it also gave me time to compose this week's list of hilarity and adventure. From World of Warcraft, Eh? comes Cold is Only a State of Mind. I'm Rich! from Dark Legacy Comics. Sam Taylor on leveling. This next entry is not a comic, but an English translation of a German comedic hit, and there are some images. 10 reasons to hate World of Warcraft (Lich King Edition). The 2008 Flintlocke Thanksgiving Special. Shakes and Fidget go on a Holiday. GU Comics hosted a guest comic by Zukan, Well Me Not. The same illustrator also did The Modern Orc. From GU Comics comes Silly Arthas. Three Panel Soul released a WoW-related comic. Thanks Scelerat for the tip! The plot thickens with the latest LFG. Noobcow and the No Flying Zone from Manic Graffiti. Epic from NoObz. Check out the latest from The Scout Report. And Then There Was One from Teh Gladiators. Monkey Punchers presents Math According to Blizzard.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Arthusian Flu

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This is the first Sunday since Wrath of the Lich King was released, and there are plenty of Wrath-related comics today to amuse you. A Dark Legacy PSA from Dark Legacy Comics. Experience Points waits in line and ponders the crowd of Death Knights. Extra Life: Shattrath is a Ghost Town. Flintlocke vs. The Horde: A Cunning Plan. Check out LFG's latest comic. Manic Graffiti's Noobcow has a Plan B. Monkey Punchers hits up a Wrath midnight launch party with Midnight Priorities. Roxxor from NoObz. Ding! features Kissybear's Guide to Wrath of the Lich King! This is completed in several parts. After the introduction is an explanation of the raiding situation just prior to Wrath, and then an assessment of the new Death Knight class. Ding! also discusses one of the most important things you will need to learn how to do in order to be successful at the expansion. Finally, Kissybear shows us what other WoW players did to prepare for the expansion. Be sure to check out Teh Gladiators' latest.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: No whiners

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday is once again upon us. Today is your last day to attempt to get your Arcanite Ripper, and in only eleven days, Wrath of the Lich King will be upon us!Know of a WoW-related comic you'd like to see featured here? Post it in the comments section! BRAAAINNNNSS! The zombie plague hits Dark Legacy Comics! Regrettable Day. Extra Life has hit the zombie theme as well. Flintlocke vs. The Horde, Episode 6: To the Barrens! Part 14. LFG #196. Noobcow and the Quest Buff from Manic Graffiti. True Friend. Monkey Punchers poses a zombie question. NoObz is on Superfarm. Miaow! from Teh Gladiators. The Scout Report is back! Check out the latest.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: What a moonkin knows

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    The Scourge is invading! Are you ready to join the ranks of the undead, battle the descending Scourge, take on Tenris Murkblood, or cleanse the plague from the living? Well don't forget to catch up on this week's WoW-related comics during your downtime! Dark Legacy Comics: DLC Exercise Problem 3-27. Extra Life: About Last Night. Flintlocke vs. The Horde, Episode 6: To the Barrens! GU Comics: Double Standard. Shakes and Fidget: Showdown. The latest from LFG. Noobcow and Popular Dialogue from Manic Graffiti. Monkey Punchers: Rejected Hairstyles. NoObz: Mods. Teh Gladiators: It's a Wipe! From The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf comes Sorry About the Clip Show.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Don't drink and blink

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Welcome to the first Sunday in October! Brewfest just ended, the Darkmoon Faire comes to Thunder Bluff tomorrow, and your funnies are being delivered in something called the 'afternoon.' Just call me a lousy over-sleeper and get on with the list.Humor From Dark Legacy Comics comes Alts. This is one of my favorites this week, which is partially attributed to my love of Voidwalkers. Monkey Punchers: Mages can't hold their liquor. Thems sounds like fightin' words to me! NoObz: Builds. Ding! takes on the Lich King. Humor on a plot-line Flintlocke vs the Horde: Talkin' 'bout 'locks. Manic Graffiti: Noobcow and Murloc Currency. Road to BlizzCon: Twilight of the Moonkin. Teh Gladiators: We Meet Again! Other Extra Life: Looking Back.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Mob evolution

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday is the day to catch up on your homework, chores, Brewfest hangover, and the week's worth of WoW-related web comics. Because I cannot help you with your homework for ethical reasons, and I'm allergic to your chores, I compiled a comic list for you instead!Humor Call of Duty: World at War-Craft from Action Trip. Save the Mammoth Calves from Dark Legacy Comics. Secret Alt from Monkey Punchers. Undermob from NoObz. Ding! cautions that perhaps players should reconsider the placement of certain buttons. Humor with a plot-line Hares and Heroines from Flintlocke vs. The Horde. The latest from LFG. Noobcow and the First Quest Giver for Reals from Manic Graffiti. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Zul'Farrak from Road to BlizzCon. Latest from Sluggy Freelance. They Finally Meet Their Match from Teh Gladiators.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Your lack of faith is disturbing

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    It might be a long weekend, but that's no excuse not to read your funnies! We have some new faces, the return of a beloved comic, a comic/craft hybrid, and more. New additions The Emissary - Act 1. This is the beginning of a new project from Barry T. Smith, a departure from his usual style with InkTank and Angst Technology. Manic Graffiti is back! Let's start with the Pax Arcana Lich King Special. This isn't new, but it's a debut for this list. Sluggy Freelance's Years of Yarncraft Papercrafts! There are lots. Here's one. Check out mmolecule, or "GG" Comics by Ken Harrison. WoW players meet up with the Force. Comedy with a plot LFG: No, that's not Legara. Road to BlizzCon, Sin'dorei Scheming Part 2. Welcome to Booty Bay! Comedy Extra Life illustrates the difference between respawning and reincarnation. GU Comics points out that There's a Good Reason. It's back to school time and Monkey Punchers celebrates. BTS. NoObz. There's a flaw in the strategy.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: You are not an ostrich

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    From the training of a rat to a meeting of the altaholics, to a little bit of man lovin', this week's comics progress storylines, provide gaming commentary, and bring out the laughs. This week, The Scout Report teaches us a bit more about Ogre culture. On Teh Gladiators, Trevor tries to train his hunter pet, the valiant rat. Monkey Punchers goes all-out for the Man Love this week! This week's LFG was definitely hilarious. I won't even comment, so as not to spoil it. Shakes and Fidget are out for Rock 'n' Roll this week. Dark Legacy's NPCs are getting Stinking Rich. Okay so WoW isn't as customizable as the generic MMO featured in this week's NoObz, but I think we can all relate. Besides, Wrath is bringing us new hair! Ding! talks about altoholics. Quite probably my personal favorite this week, The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf, Episode 14: Orphan Saga, Part 1. Click through to cast your vote for the best comic from this week's selection.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Rouges in Azertoh

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week we have an NPC coup, a battle of the bands, two strikes, and of course, the much beloved mischief. In the Scout Report, #37, a new activist wanders onto the scene. From the Noob Comic comes Area Effect. Sometimes, a mage just can't help himself. Messy Cow has some adventures in Skinning, although she should have been healing. The best part? The "rouge" who was stealing corpses! Teh Gladiators battle their stealthed opponents, and the Murlocs heat up the scene. This week, the commentary beneath the comic is decidedly worth the read. Sockpuppet holds the "Azertoh Battle of the Bands." Yes, I said "Azertoh." Want to see a raid with the characters from Real Life? NoObz #9 brings you to a special mob-held meeting of sorts, where you get to meet the gray kangaroo (wolf). The old computer has finally broken him. A friend of Monkey Punchers is finally Losing It. In LFG this week, my favorite character breaks into a song and dance! Shakes and Fidget have made their Preparations, and with proper hilarity ensuing. This week on Dark Legacy Comics, the NPCs launch plans to take over the world, through Operation: Horace. From Action Trip comes Impressive Knowledge. Seriously, kids these days really know their stuff! Sure, they might lose a finger or a hand, but then they'll know which faction they're dealing with, right? Pass through the break to vote for your favorite from this week's selection.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: WoW is not a religion

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week we have a nice long list of comics for you to sink your teeth or tusks into. As always, don't forget to leave your tips to other WoW-themed comics so that they can be featured here! We're also saying a special goodbye to Manic Graffiti. Great work and we'll miss you! Here's hoping this isn't forever! Connedromat from Awkward Zombie kicks off your Sunday morning with a little bit of logic. Ana Hala Balablah from Dark Legacy Comics seems intent on being contrary to logic. Shakes and Fidget have to decide whether their new acquaintance is Friend or Foe? If you liked our recent coverage of Blizzard handling director Uwe Boll, you'll get a laugh out of GU Comics' Especially Not You. Manic Graffiti sends us a parting statement, mixed with a little hope, in Good-bye is Not Forever. Monkey Punchers explores the Unplayable. NoObz #8 suggests that maybe, just maybe, justice will find that little beggar you can't stand. Ding! explores some of the effects of WoW on the body and mind. Teh Gladiators enter their first arena match with their new, unlikely teammates. From The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf comes WoW is Not a Religion. The Scout Report is a bit confused over Mr. Snuggles. Head through the break to vote on your favorite.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Working together

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week we have some exciting developments, from the infiltration of a Horde town, to Sunwell progression, to a pet dragon. As always, I welcome suggestions for comics we've missed, so post away in the comments section! We even have a new one this week. From Action Trip comes What's the opposite of Undead? Horde PuGs a battleground this week in Ding! NoObz #7 is highly recommended! Thanks for the tip, Gene. Cluck Cluck from Dark Legacy Comics teaches us the joys of cooking. Damage Done from Extra Life is funny on too many levels. Shakes and Fidget are going on an Infiltration mission! Fun with the Bloodrage from LFG. Monkey Punchers explores the ups and downs of Minimum System Requirements. Teh Gladiators get new teammates. Episode 11: The Waiting is the Hardest Part. Disgraph has some adventures when the Shattered Sun badge loot vendor becomes available. The Scout Report meets Mister Snuggles. Are you ready to vote? Pop through the break to choose this week's favorite.