

  • Google

    Here's everything Google announced at the Pixel 4 event

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Despite all of the leaks ahead of Google's Pixel 4 hardware event today, the company still had plenty to share. Of course, we got our first official look at the Pixelbook Go and Pixel 4/4XL, but we also got to see the new Nest Mini, Nest WiFi and Pixel Buds. And Google had plenty of new features -- like ultrasound sensing and an improved Recorder app -- to wow the crowd.

  • EA

    'Apex Legends' adds ranked leagues that penalize players for leaving games

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    The second season of Apex Legends goes live today, and in addition to new characters, major map changes and improved weaponry, we'll also see the introduction of Ranked Leagues. In a blog post, the game's developers said Apex is a "dynamic game that takes time and effort to master," so Ranked Leagues will be a place players can go to prove their skills and gain recognition for their hard work.

  • Uber riders can now earn points at luxury hotels

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    In-between shenanigans, Uber actually offers a pretty nice car service, and users are about to get a perk besides free water: points from chi-chi hotelier Starwood. Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) members can now link their accounts to Uber, and (after a qualifying stay), will get a point or more for every dollar spent on Uber. In addition, if you happen to catch a special SPG branded Uber car in select cities on February 28th between 2 and 7PM, the ride will be comped and you'll get 15,000 SPG points, enough for a free night. However, the promo is limited to 460 riders, and at that time of day, you could end up with an inflated surge fare instead of a free room.

  • Sony Rewards accepts PlayStation Store into its point-y heart

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Sony Rewards now extends to PlayStation products and the PlayStation Store, allowing players to earn points for game-related purchases. For every dollar spent in the PlayStation Store, you earn one point – after linking your PSN account to a Sony Rewards account. Earn points by purchasing a Sony thing through online third-party retailers such as Gamestop or Best Buy too, when shopping through the Points Plus site. Points can be redeemed for Sony stuff through Sony Rewards. This is a different approach than the PlayStation Rewards program that Sony ditched in 2011, which was a step-child of PlayStation Plus rather than an integrated points system.

  • Patch 5.4: Answers to Frequently Re-Asked Questions

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    We here at WoW Insider see a few questions pretty much every time a new patch is announced. Often, we see these same questions asked repeatedly, many times after we've answered them. So, out of a desire to be helpful (and to have a place to point folks) here are a few of those questions, answered for you here. Q: What is happening to my Valor/Conquest points in patch 5.4? A: Your Conquest points will be converted to Honor. If you have 4000 honor already, or will be pushed over the 4000 honor mark by the conversion, they will be converted to gold. All other points, be they Valor, Justice, or Honor points will not be converted. Q: What new gear can I get for Valor points? A: None. There is no new Valor gear. Shado-Pan Assault gear will still cost Valor, but will be discounted by 34%. All other current Valor gear (from the original reputation gear to the Patch 5.1 items) will now cost Justice Points instead. More questions answered following the jump.

  • Points connected sign can show any place you need to go, what's up online (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Most street signs aren't especially street-savvy when they can't change with the passing weeks, let alone the moment. Breakfast NY's new Points sign is much, much smarter. As long as it has an Ethernet or WiFi connection, it can spin its arrows toward locations on demand or as they become relevant, whether it's the local bar at night or a concert stage in the afternoon. The signage is also aware of what's happening, not just where: Points can tap into Foursquare, RSS feeds, Twitter and other sources to display trending hotspots, sports scores and other live updates. The curious can experiment with internet-connected demo signs today; Breakfast NY is taking rental requests now, with expectations that Points signs can deploy from July 1st onwards. As for pricing? You'll have to get a quote. While the company tells us that a days-long rental will likely involve a lower five-digit sum, it expects each order to be at least somewhat unique.

  • Get $20 in PSN credit, 1,000 Sony Rewards points for convincing someone to buy a Vita

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    During the month of February, Sony has launched an incentivized referral program that rewards PlayStation 3/Vita owners with $20 of PSN credit and 1,000 Sony Rewards points, provided they successfully convince a friend or family member to purchase a Vita.Your referred friend/family member also receives $20 in PlayStation Network credit, in addition to, like, the Vita they just bought, which makes this whole thing a pretty easy sell for anyone who had already planned on buying a new handheld this month. If you don't know anyone like that, however, might we suggest bribing them with the copy of Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation that you bought with your 1,000 Sony Rewards points?

  • Toys R Us revamps loyalty rewards program

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Toys R Us' loyalty program will undergo a few changes starting July 1, as announced in a press release today. The Rewards "R" Us system rewards buyers with points for each dollar spent online and in stores. Points no longer expire in the revised system, and there are no more exclusive periods of time (like holidays) where points cannot be earned.In the new program, every dollar spent on entertainment products (such as video games) is rewarded with one point. Members receive a $5 certificate every time they reach 500 points earned.To put that into perspective, rewards program members get $5 in "R"Us reward money for purchasing 17 Nintendo DS games at $30 apiece. Totally worth it, right?

  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: Item upgrade strings surface

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Two interesting new client strings were unearthed early this morning on MMO-Champion related to the elusive item upgrade system that Blizzard has yet to completely flesh out for players. Valor points are changing their focus in Mists of Pandaria, to be used as a way to upgrade existing gear rather than being used to buy all-new pieces. This new system has yet be comprehensively explained, and these new client strings are our first hint at the system's actual implementation. The basic understanding of the item upgrade system is that justice points will be used to purchase the first pieces of gear from vendors, and valor points will be used to turn that gear into better gear. What this hopefully means is that rather than having two vendors selling the same items with different stats, we can have a justice vendor who sells you items and then upgrades them via some interface dealie with valor points. Hopefully, the number of vendors decreases, because right now it's sort of a pain. ITEM ITEM_UPGRADE - Item Upgrade ITEM_UPGRADE ITEM_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION - Use your valor points to upgrade a weapon or piece of armor that is level 375 or higher. Honestly, I've been under the impression that Blizzard itself still had the system in flux, so anything being said about just wasn't set in stone. Now, with new client strings and references to upgrading your raid items, it looks like the system is closer to completion. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

  • New Darkfall development blog touches on key points

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Development on the next incarnation of Darkfall continues, promising big changes to the game's core mechanics. The latest update on the official blog addresses a variety of systems that hadn't previously been covered, starting with the game's large-scale UI improvements. The biggest revelation and item of interest, however, is the promise of the upcoming point system, which allows players to receive rewards for accomplishments that in turn fuel new play options. Although the terminology used in the blog is a bit vague due to the fact that specifics on the system are under wraps, it's made very clear that the point system is not simply an achievement system (which will also be added). Rather, using points in-game will fuel certain abilities or grant access to new abilities, allowing players to open new paths as a reward for their accomplishments. There's also a few updates on the future of crafting, all of which should give Darkfall players something to look forward to when version 2.0 finally goes live.

  • The Queue: 64-butt client

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mathew McCurley (@gomatgo) will be your host for today. Which World of Warcraft client does Mike Sacco use? Abbadon asked: Do you think we'll ever get any gold or auction related titles? I've been thinking it would be cool to have the title "Auctioneer" for posting some ridiculous amount of auctions, or maybe to stop players from just posting crap, successfully selling X items via the AH. And while it's not a lot of players, there are more and more getting gold capped... Something like "the Gold Hoarder" would be pretty cool for hitting the gold limit. I don't believe we will ever see gold-related achievements because gold hoarding and amassing fortunes in WoW is part of a meta-game many participate in, but by no way Blizzard wants to say, "Here's another reason to artificially inflate your gold amount by purchasing gold for these rewards." There already is a title in game for what used to be a large sum of gold -- of the Shattered Sun costs 1,000 gold after achieving exalted reputation with the Shattered Sun Offensive.

  • The Raid Finder, the Dungeon Finder, point caps and you

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    I have a theory that either our various caps for justice and valor points are too low, or the amount we get per activity is too high. I'll relate my thinking. I have several level 85 characters I'm running through the Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder tools. Clearing both halves of the Raid Finder Dragon Soul gets me 500 valor; I then run four random heroics, and I'm capped. This means that playing my main any further that week is effectively a waste of time. (I usually cap my valors out before I even raid for a week, which makes raiding just about the gear, but I'm OK with that.) My problem is, I like my main. I'd play him more if there was anything to do. As it is, I tend to cap out on justice points rather than run on one of my alts, and even then, they usually cap on valors as well. (At least two of them do.) I even sometimes cap on honor, and with the new conquest point gains for Random BGs, I could cap on conquest if I really set my mind to it. And while I understand why we have both weekly and total caps on points, it often feels like I'm being penalized for liking the game and wanting to play it.

  • The Mog Log: Point by point

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Physical levels are leaving Final Fantasy XIV. We've all known that for a while, to the point that I even wrote a column speculating, in part, about what will happen to the whole bonus point system once that change goes live. As it turns out, what will happen for the time being is that it will be abandoned altogether, with character development going automated until at least 1.20. No more allocation of points to attributes any longer, and no word on what this will mean for the many traits designed to muck about with attribute distribution. This is going to result in a bit of a downgrade for some players (if you're physical 40 and leveling something at rank 10, for instance), but by and large it's also going to help correct a longstanding issue that the game has had. We've got a lot more options for playing around with attributes and abilities when it comes to FFXIV than we did in Final Fantasy XI, but the downside of the breadth has been the simple problem that no one knows what the attrbute values actually mean. You know the number, but the number itself is pretty much meaningless.

  • Patch 4.1: Blizzard explains new valor point mechanics

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    The era of the daily heroic is over! After much speculation that the one run per day random dungeon valor point rewards would turn into seven runs per week randoms instead, it turns out we are all getting exactly what we hoped for. Blizzard has finally commented on (and explained) the incoming valor point change, which will hopefully make gearing up and gaining valor points easier for players who don't have the time or want to play each and every night to run a random for their points. Lylirra explains:

  • PTR Patch 4.1: New code hints at random dungeon change

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    A bit of new code recently added to the PTR that's been uncovered by MMO-Champion might hint at an awesome new change to the way valor points will be earned from the random dungeon finder. Of particular note is this string: LFD_RANDOM_REWARD_EXPLANATION1 = "The first seven random dungeons of this tier that you complete each week will earn you:"; What this seems to suggest is that instead of doing one random heroic dungeon per day to gain valor points, the system will be changed so that the first 7 random heroics you do, no matter which days, will grant valor points. This is an awesome change for those of us who do not play every day and instead like to stockpile our heroic dungeoneering on the weekend. Many of us weekend warriors have been asking for this very specific change to the random dungeon "highest tier" badges/points reward system since the beginning of the random heroic system. Hopefully this wonderful change makes it to live. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • Patch 4.0.6 PTR: Justice point trade goods prices

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Patch 4.0.6 will bring a new vendor who sells raw materials and resources in exchange for justice points. Many players now capped on justice points have been struggling with ways to spend them. Blizzard has added in these vendors as a kind of points dump for some extra resources, so you're not letting those points waste away into nothingness in your currency tab. Here is a current list of the resources sold and their justice point cost: 1 Hypnotic Dust 200 1 Greater Celestial Essence 800 1 Heavenly Shard 1,200 5 Savage Leather 750 20 Embersilk Cloth 2,500 20 Elementium Ore 2,000 Satchel of Freshly-Picked Herbs (20 random Cataclysm herbs) 3,000 Now, if you think these prices are high, remember that these items are not meant to be bought efficiently with justice points; rather, leftover justice points are supposed to be converting into a little extra in the materials department for you. So far, I think it's a pretty good price list, but I'd love to see Maelstrom Crystals on there for 4,000 points each, which would make some of the upper-end enchants easier. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has destroyed Azeroth as we know it; nothing is the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion, from leveling up a new goblin or worgen to breaking news and strategies on endgame play.

  • AddOn Spotlight: Warrior, rogue, druid, hunter addons

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Addon Spotlight focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. We'll look at everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your interface folder will never be the same! This week, the actual answer is always Power Auras, but for the sake of talking about Power Auras later, here are some other addons. At last, we come to the final chapter in the first edition of class addons here at the AddOn Spotlight. The only classes that remain are the warrior, druid, hunter and the rogue. Behind the jump is the answer many of you awaiting, my opinion on addons for these four wonderful classes. What are you waiting for? Pull back the curtain!

  • Target offering discounted Wii, Xbox Live and PSN point cards

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    If you've been waiting for a marginal discount before bulk-buying the fake currency required to download content off your consoles' online marketplaces, Target's got you covered. Until this Saturday, you can stop by your local bullseye-branded retailer and grab a $20 Wii Point Card, Microsoft Point Card, or PlayStation Network card for just $17. Sure, it's not the biggest markdown in the history of shopping, but seeing as how we purchase online e-funds two to three times a day, even the smallest discounts are greatly appreciated. [Thanks, Mike]

  • '80s Track Pack available now for Guitar Hero 5 and Band Hero

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    As expected, the '80s Track Pack for Guitar Hero 5 and Band Hero is now available for download on all the various consoles, featuring three respectable songs from the decade of New Wave and hair bands. Well, two or three, depending on how you like The Go-Gos. The entire thing is available for 440 on Xbox Live, $5.49 on PSN, or 550 Wii Points, and the individual songs are as follows: "Girls, Girls, Girls" by Motley Crue (160/ $1.99 / 200 Wii Points) "We Got the Beat" by The Go-Go's (160 / $1.99 / 200 Wii Points) "Sister Christian" by Night Ranger (160/ $1.99 / 200 Wii Points) Say what you want about "We Got the Beat," but we won't tolerate hating on the Crue or Night Ranger and, from the looks of those hairstyles above, they won't either. These songs are available now for both games, so get yourself mo-tor-in' on over to the store if you want 'em.

  • Taiwanese player earns all of the achievements

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, that's right, all of them. You've probably heard about this already (we're a little late to the party, just because it seemed a little fishy to us at first), but a player in Taiwan has an Armory profile that claims he (or she, though the character is a male tauren druid) has achieved all 986 achievements available in the current version of World of Warcraft. That's everything, from Loremaster, to all the ToGC Tributes, to the Pilgrim's Bounty holiday rewards, even Insane in the Membrane. If there's something you can do in WoW, this guy seems to have done it. He hasn't finished this year's Winter's Veil achievement yet (it's not actually possible until the 15th), but he has done a PvP achievement twice, apparently, so he's still 986/986. I'm still a little doubtful: as you can see above, the Feats of Strength bar looks like it's empty, but this guy actually has lots of Feats done as well, including all of the realm first feats (including First Aid, and Leatherworking, all within days of each other). It just doesn't seem possible that one character could do all of that. But it all seems to check out, so we'll give him his due: Congratulations, "Littlegray" of Wrathbringer. And just in case you hadn't heard: there are other games to play. Update: I thought Insane in the Membrane was an achievement, but it is actually a Feat, and he does not have it. Thanks commenters for the clarification.