

  • Looking forward to Second Life 2.0

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    While it has been called Viewer 2009 once or twice, almost every Linden Lab staffer who mentions it calls it Second Life 2. Once on the drawing-board as a major overhaul of Second Life both at the server and at the viewer (client), the idea of a huge developmental jump was abandoned some years ago, and all of the features slated for Second Life 2 were added to Second Life 1, incrementally. Well, except for the last item on the list, the user-interface. Essentially Second Life seems to now everything SL2 was originally planned to be, sans the new interface.

  • Second Life 1.23 (RC4) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC4 is the fifth release candidate in the 1.23 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). It's looking increasingly like the objective is to release before the Second Life sixth anniversary (23 June). Barely any changes this time around, so either Linden Lab isn't really aware of any showstoppers or doesn't perceive them as such. The context menus have had one small reversion, there are updates to the Mac crash reporter, and a fix relating to object updates that affected poseball visibility.

  • Second Life 1.23 (RC3) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC3 is the fourth release candidate in the 1.23 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). The 1.23 series is being fast-tracked, as it is scheduled to go live by the end of June. We're expecting this one or the next one to be the last before official release -- because frankly, there's not a lot of time-left before the Lab's self-imposed deadline. Probably the biggest reason you'd want to try this one out, is that it fixes a bug introduced in an earlier official viewer where cached information was discarded too aggressively, leading to things that should have been cached having to be redownloaded. Oh, there's a bunch of good bug-fixes besides that, but that's really the one you want. Read on for the rest.

  • Second Life adult content updates: Viewers, namechanges, grannies and grade-schoolers

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The 1.23 Second Life viewer with the necessary support for Adult content is still being rushed to meet a June deadline, the exact reason for which seems a little unclear. There's some outstanding issues with the viewer release-candidates, but it seems fairly low on actual showstoppers and looks likely to make an official release in the roughly one fortnight remaining. Definitions for the content ratings have been finalized, though they show little noticeable deviation from Linden Lab's originally proposed drafts. It appears that all the changes have been simple explanatory wording changes. The PG rating holds a couple of surprises, though.

  • Second Life 1.23 (RC2) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC2 is the third release candidate in the 1.23 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). The 1.23 series is being fast-tracked, as it is scheduled to go live by the end of June. This release features six crash-fixes, problems with window-sizing, and issues with trees. Restore-to-last-position has been disabled, to prevent potential inventory-loss. There are some more pie-menu changes, but some of the changes in the previous candidates have been reverted.

  • Second Life 1.23 (RC1) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC1 is the second release candidate in the 1.23 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). The 1.23 series is being fast-tracked, as it is scheduled to go live by the end of June. The last RC's propensity to false-trigger at least one anti-virus program has been sorted out, along with several fixed to appearance updates (though if you try a strip-tease, you'll likely crash the viewer), along with a bunch of bug-fixes that include some crashes and a failure to startup.

  • Second Life 1.23 (RC0) now available [updated]

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC0 is the start of a new series of release candidates, apparently scheduled to complete by the end of June. This release features a number of changes, including the promised Shadow code (which is more than a little experimental), and the new support features for Adult content. While it has only been out for a day, there's quite a bit of controversy over a reordering of texture layers on the avatar head, which reportedly breaks a lot of skin content and makes avatar faces that use them appear 'clownish'. Certain European locale settings may cause this release to crash on startup, and the viewer itself may be unusually slow to start up.

  • Imprudence 1.1.0 RC2 available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The Imprudence Project has a release new candidate viewer for Second Life available. Imprudence 1.1 RC2 (unlike Linden Lab, the Imprudence Project counts starting from one, not from zero) features a number of improvements and fixes over RC1. This release candidate has a new storage allocator for Windows which improves frame-rates, reduces memory-usage and is all-around more efficient. Several crash-bugs have been fixed, and support has been improved for Linux systems that use the PulseAudio sound server. A few UI tweaks and inconveniences have also been tidied up. Unfortunately there is still no version for the Mac as the Imprudence Project is starving for a Mac developer to handle that side of the code. Full release notes are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC10) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC10 is the eleventh release candidate in the unexpectedly elongated 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). It seems like the 1.22 series has been going on for ages, doesn't it? RC0 was in November. Fixes this time around fix saving textures that were embedded in notecards to disk, and some problems relating to voice crashing the viewer or getting generally hung. There's also another minor fix to Japanese text localization and a voice behavioral change. There still seem to be some lingering issues with raycasting.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC9) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    And around we go again. Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC9 is the tenth release candidate in the unexpectedly elongated 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). RC5 was supposed to have been the last release-candidate in this series, but unfortunately a number of serious issues prompted the release of RC6, and now we have some major changes, which by all rights should mean quite a few more release-candidates before becoming an official release. If you got your hands on RC8, you may have noticed problems with voice, crashing, more raycasting issues and problems with sculpties loading. Well, the good news is that three out of four of those seem to be fixed. Voice seems to have quite a road to apotheosis in 1.22.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC8) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC8 is the ninth release candidate in the unexpectedly elongated 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). RC5 was supposed to have been the last release-candidate in this series, but unfortunately a number of serious issues prompted the release of RC6, and now we have some major changes, which by all rights should mean quite a few more release-candidates before becoming an official release. OpenAL and gstreamer support are the big surprises. We're wondering if Quicktime has been given the flick entirely. This mirrors the work being done with the Imprudence Release Candidate, though the Imprudence Project does not appear to have the same difficulties with sound under Linux. That's a huge change for a release-candidate, especially so late in the series, and we'd be surprised if they released a new official viewer anytime soon on that basis alone.

  • Imprudence 1.1.0 RC1 available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The Imprudence Project has a release new candidate viewer for Second Life available. Imprudence 1.1 RC1 (unlike Linden Lab, the Imprudence Project counts starting from one, not from zero) features a number of substantial improvements over 1.0, including openAL and Gstreamer support for general sound, as well as audio and video streaming. This release candidate also features updates to the user-interface, arithmetic expressions in the build floater's texture and object tabs, quick-filtering for the inventory and more. Unfortunately there is no version for the Mac as the Imprudence Project is starving for a Mac developer to handle that side of the code. Due to licensing issues, Imprudence cannot ship with voice components, but you can add them yourself very easily. Full release notes are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC7) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC7 is the eighth release candidate in the unexpectedly elongated 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). RC5 was supposed to have been the last release candidate in this series, but unfortunately a number of serious issues prompted the release of RC6, and now RC7. Someone over at the Lab is obviously doing something right. It isn't all that long ago that the bugs that were fixed in this release-candidate either would not have been found or would have been passed over on the way to release. There aren't many of them, but particularly the crash in the texture decoder would have made some people sad.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC6) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC6 is the seventh release candidate in the 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). RC5 was supposed to have been the last release candidate in this series, but unfortunately a number of serious issues cropped up. There are six crash fixes, texture performance was severely degraded, and there were a number of 'raycasting' problems (raycasting maps the position of your mouse pointer to objects in the virtual environment. Problems with this process cause the system to think you're clicking somewhere other than where you actually are). Additional code is included to track driver-based crashes, and there's the usual localization fixes. Full release notes for this version are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC5) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC5 is the sixth release in the 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). Barring any showstoppers, this appears to be the last version in the series before the release of 1.22 as the official Second Life viewer. This edition has four more crash fixes, fixups to the wonky selection algorithms, localization fixes, and and fixes up some defective UI behavior.Full release notes for this version are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC4) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC4 is the fifth release in the 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). Mostly this version seems to be about final polish. This edition has two more crash fixes, assorted tune-ups to defective UI elements, a small bundle of localization fixes and some almost completely impenetrable alterations to the thread watchdog (however it does now default to being off). We're not expecting an RC5 before this goes live - unless something outstandingly broken crops up. Full release notes for this version are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC3) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC3 is the fourth release in the 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). As usual, we have a bunch of assorted fixes and crash fixes in this edition. This edition has five more crash fixes, some tweaks to the watchdog code (because it wasn't crashing when it should) and assorted tweaks. The Planning tab has been removed from Group Information, because it basically just never worked properly. This looks like it might be the last release before 1.22 becomes the official viewer, unless something is reported that stops the show. Full release notes for this version are after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC2) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have made a new Second Life viewer release-candidate available. RC2 is the third release in the 1.22 series (Linden Lab starts counting from RC0). As usual, we have a bunch of assorted fixes and crash fixes in this edition. This edition has five crash fixes, additional debugging to isolate the causes of graphics driver crashes, some fixes for PPC systems, and some more attempts to get object selection/cursor positioning right for edge-cases. More details after the jump.

  • Second Life 1.22 (RC0) now available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The Second Life viewer dev team has been working furiously away for some time now, and you may be forgiven for wondering where the fruits of that labor are. It has, after all, been some time since we've seen a new viewer other than emergency security fixes. There are lots of little things in this viewer, mostly bug-fixes. What is particularly peculiar is that whispering seems to be back. Whisper was a short-range chat option that was discarded from the Second Life viewer back in 2005 due to it being confusing both conceptually and in the user-interface. Whispering has a 10 metre range and while it has been a deprecated script function for years is still available to scripted objects.

  • Second Life security updates. New viewers

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Well, at last we know what all the fuss was about with all the sudden software updates over the last week for the Second Life servers that caused so much disruption during the last few days. It appears we were on the money with security fixes, and exploitable vulnerabilities have received urgent attention. As a result a new Second Life viewer is available for download now -- that's 1.20.17(98669) -- and you can expect a new Release Candidate viewer (RC5) very very soon. Both are likely to be mandatory updates. So, what's all the fuss about? Are you a part of the most widely-known collaborative virtual environment or keeping a close eye on it? Massively's Second Life coverage keeps you in the loop.