

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.20(RC0)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released the first 1.20 Second Life release candidate viewer. The numbering scheme is changing - the least significant digits groupis being dropped from version numbering, so the next release will be 1.21. This release candidate contains Windlight, Dazzle, the default Dazzle skin (which we don't care for so much) and the Tools menu handily only appears when the edit floater is open (this is one change we heartily approve of!). There's improved joystick/3D mouse support in this release, and support for high altitude building.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.1(RC4)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.1 Second Life release candidate viewer, 1.19.1(RC4), fifth in the 1.19.1 series (release candidates start counting from zero, rather than from one). Released on a Saturday. We know. Looks like someone's pushing for an official release early next week. In fact, Linden Lab says they're hoping this is the last release candidate for this series.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.1(RC3)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.1 Second Life release candidate viewer, 1.19.1(RC3), fourth in the 1.19.1 series (release candidates start counting from zero, rather than from one). Almost all the changes for this release-candidate are essentially cosmetic items. Either those are the low-hanging fruit, or we're getting very close to 1.19.1 (and Windlight) rolling out as the official viewer. With our prognosticating hats on, we predict an official release of 1.19.1/Windlight on Monday or Tuesday (though we're prepared to be wrong, we think it is likely).

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.1(RC2)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.1 Second Life release candidate viewer, 1.19.1(RC2), third in the 1.19.1 series (release candidates start counting from zero, rather than from one). Changes this time include alterations in the length of search terms (user names can be searched for with as few as two characters, and place names with only one); some notecard crashes; fixes to SVG-on-a-prim; crash bugs, build and installer glitches and more.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.1(RC1)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.1 Second Life release candidate viewer, 1.19.1(RC1), second in the 1.19.1 series (release candidates start counting from zero, rather than from one). According to the new Linden Lab crash reporter, 1.19.1 is expected "to be the most stable viewer so far". This release fixes attachments ignoring users telling them where to go, boosts defective particle systems, makes the new search honor the user's selected language, removes the mess with sculptie previews, and builds strong bodies five ways. Specifics are after the fold.

  • New Release Candidate - html on a prim phase 1 is the big news!

    Eloise Pasteur
    Eloise Pasteur

    Over on the official Linden Blog, news of the Second Life Release Candidate 1.19.1(RC0) was released a few minutes ago. This combines Windlight into the main RC line, and thus soon into the main stream. It also, in a rather more exciting move to many, includes a change to the media streaming system to let you see web pages IN Second Life. The system is still in an early stage - there are no interactions, no flash and the like as yet (although interacting with web pages and shared browsing will be along sometime in the future), but it works. Look closely at the picture - that's not a mock up, within seconds of being in Second Life with the new RC, I had Massively's website on a prim. That simple.[UPDATE: there are a couple of twiddles too - the "debug" menus (from Cntl-alt-shift-D) have been compressed into a single "Advanced" menu, same keystrokes though]

  • Second Life Windlight headed for release

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Soft Linden said today that Windlight, which has been confined to Second Life's First Look preview viewers until now, is now on track to release and will appear in the first 1.19.1 release candidate. No timeframe has been provided, but it appears we can expect the 1.19.0(RC4) release candidate to become the official viewer any time now and the first 1.19.1 release candidate viewer to be in front of users around the same time. That puts Windlight's improved rendering pipeline only a few weeks away (approximately) from winding up in the mainline official viewer. Oh, there's some pretty eye-candy there too as a nice side-effect.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.0(RC4)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.0 release candidate viewer, 1.19.0(RC4), fifth in the 1.19.0 series (release candidates start counting from zero, rather than from one). We've only got two fixes in this release, so it looks like it is the last. If this release passes the acid-test of being in front of users, there wouldn't seem to be any barrier to releasing this as the official viewer later in the week or early next.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.0(RC3)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.0 release candidate viewer, 1.19.0(RC3), fourth in the 1.19.0 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC3, rather than RC2). This release looks to be getting close to final, fixing only a handful of items. Best guess would be that this version will become the official viewer some time next week, unless some showstopper bug is reported.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.0(RC2)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has released a new 1.19.0 release candidate viewer, 1.19.0(RC2), third in the 1.19.0 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC2, rather than RC3). This release fixes some freezes when opening the map, UI issues, compilation problems under g++ v4, focus and hotkey problems with the communicate window, and more.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.19.0(RC1)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    We were expecting Friday, but apparently Thursday has brought us a new 1.19.0 release candidate viewer, 1.19.0(RC1), second in the 1.19.0 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC1, rather than RC2). The fixes in this release are mostly relatively minor (unless you're Korean, in which case the last release blew up in your face when you tried to start it). So far, release candidate viewers have not included Windlight, and this release is no exception.

  • Second Life release candidate 1.19.0(RC0) released. Again.

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    After the weekend's somewhat premature release of Second Life release candidate viewer 1.19.0(RC0), the viewer has been released a second time. As near as we can tell, it's actually exactly the same binary that you already downloaded over the weekend, if you were one of the ones who got it then. You might have just a little difficulty actually downloading it, as everything but the Linden blog (which is hosted elsewhere) is choking due to an apparent ongoing failure with the redirectors, but this has been coming and going in bursts and should clear up soon.

  • Second Life 1.19.0 release candidate accidentally released into the wild

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Earlier today, the upcoming Second Life release candidate viewer was accidentally released into the wild - that is, made available for download - though it is apparently not yet ready. Linden Lab has set a rule on the login servers that forces a downgrade from 1.19.0 to, rather than allowing the viewer to log in. 1.19.0 contains what must be a record number of bug-fixes (as well as experimental voice support for Linux) - and the updates this week were intended to support the new code, so it is definitely very close. The mammoth list of changes is after the fold.

  • New Second Life release candidate viewer 1.18.6(RC4)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have just released a new release candidate view for Second Life, the fifth in the 1.18.6 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC4, rather than RC5). This release delivers an lot of bug-fixes, while also being the last release before the rollback of the login system to the vanilla XUI-based login that features in 1.18.5 and earlier viewers.

  • Windlight and release-candidate viewers updated and available

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    In response to the security issue with the German language viewer, Linden Lab yanked both Second Life viewers today (although they didn't actually say why - Jacek Antonelli has her own take on how she feels the situation should have been handled). Both Second Life viewers are now available for download and login again with fresh updates - updates you'd be well-advised to obtain, if you use the German language version.

  • German Second Life users at risk [UPDATED]

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The new HTML based login system starting from version 1.18.6 used in current First Look and Windlight Second Life (beta) viewers has an error in the German translation file which risks exposing login credentials of any user who uses these viewers with the German Language enabled. The file /skins/xui/de/panel_login.xml (below the Second Life installation directory) which sets the information about the login form to be displayed (and thus to have your login information sent to does not access Second Life or Linden Lab webservers).

  • New Second Life release candidate 1.18.6(RC2)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have just released a new release candidate view for Second Life, the third in the 1.18.6 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC2, rather than RC1). This release provides additional security checks on QuickTime versions, conceals age-verification status in profiles, fixes up some login issues and wind-sounds and adds proxy configuration support.

  • Second Life login services failure

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    At approximately 8:55AM all login services for the 1.18.6 series of Second Life viewers (release candidate and first look) failed for approximately 40 minutes. There are no signs of the disruption being specifically load-related, and regular release viewers were able to log in normally (if a little slowly) during the affected period. Even though the problem has just been resolved, there is no word from Linden Lab acknowledging the outage or giving any insight into the matter.

  • New Second Life release candidate 1.18.6(RC1)

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have just released a new release candidate view for Second Life, the second in the 1.18.6 series (release candidates start counting from zero, so this is RC1, rather than RC2). This release fixes a nasty crash, and the inability to mute popups from llLoadURL, the readability of age-verification status, and issues with inventory that led to apparent (but not actual) loss of items.

  • New Second Life release candidate 1.18.6

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab have just released a new release candidate view for Second Life, the first in the 1.18.6 series. This one incorporates the start of the new login system that there has been much ado about in development circles recently, as well as age-verification. That's a big deal.