

  • I salvaged my shattered iPhone with a 'Band-Aid' screen cover

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    After a BBQ last Sunday (there may have been alcohol), I dropped my phone. Multiple times. And I wasn't lucky. Although my iPhone 6 Plus has suffered tiny hairline cracks in two of the corners, this time the drops were critical hits resulting in a spiderweb of substantial cracks, the majority of them around the bottom right corner -- you know, where your thumb always is. Typing on it meant risking a tiny shard or two cutting into my thumb, and even when I avoided that, those cracks still irritated my fingertips. Touch functions were also impaired. Google Maps was not cooperating. While the brunt of the damage was in the lower corner, the drop had also crippled my front-facing camera. Perhaps the camera leaves the screen structurally weaker there, or was this the universe's way of saying I'd taken one too many self-portraits?