

  • TF2 Scout update includes new bat, energy drink, 3 additional maps

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    In the days preceding this Tuesday's highly anticipated Team Fortress 2 Scout update, Valve's been releasing a slow trickle of news regarding exactly what goodies players will be getting in the download. So far, the pot's pretty sweet -- TF2's hyperactive class will now be able to unlock "The Sandman", a new bat which hits baseballs that are capable of stunning even the most tank-ish opponents. Scouts can also pick up the "Bonk Energy Drink", which will give the already expedient class an extra burst of speed for a few seconds.The update will also introduce a few new maps to the TF2 mix -- Arena_Watchtower, an expansive map with a focus on long, sniper-friendly sightlines; CP_Junction, a tight-quarters map that's more suited for the game's explosive classes; and CP_Egypt, a "visually striking", Dustbowl-esque control point map. The update will also patch in some gameplay tweaks to the pre-existing CP_Fastlane map.Oh, and the newly updated Scouts will also be able to unlock their 35 new class-specific achievements, which we've posted after the jump. Valve should be dropping further info on the pending patch tomorrow -- we'll keep our single-earphone-covered ear to the ground to let you know when the final tease drops. Gallery: Team Fortress 2 Scout Update