

  • Pornhub

    Pornhub's year in review defined by 'Fortnite' and Stormy Daniels

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    Like Twitter before it, Pornhub is crowning its biggest trends of 2018. There's no mention of its parent Mindgeek's age verification tool for the UK -- which could see it become the gatekeeper for porn in the country -- or its custom VPN and launch of closed-captions for viewers with hearing loss for that matter. Instead, this flashback is all about porn searches. And what a year it's been for the web's leading purveyor of potentially pirated adult entertainment.

  • Esports league bans porn site-sponsored team

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Today I learned that porn site YouPorn has its own eSports team. Unfortunately for the site, I also learned that the Electronic Sports League (ESL) has decided that Team YP can't compete in its eSport events, which include Street Fighter 5, Counter Strike and Starcraft. ESL told VentureBeat that "advertising pornography is not legal in the markets we operate in, and the vast majority of partners we're working with have strict 'no drugs, no alcohol, no pornography' rules that we've contractually taken on board."