
The Digital Street Game: wacky street corner fun

digital game

We're not going to pretend we know what's actually going down at this NYC subway stop, maybe an intimate act between lonely investment bankers or something to do with human jacks? But the image was sent into Digital Street Game, a New York-based urban game (yeah, another one of those) where players act out "stunts" on street corners, take digital photos of their antics, post them on the site, and thus claim ownership of that street corner. They're thinking ownership in terms of "I own yo ass," since the site has yet to hand out chunks of primetime real estate. But players try to own as much of the city as possible through as many exhibition style acts as possible. We have a sinking suspicion that the players are the same sort who started those improv groups at your high school, but hey, if being wacky's your thing, by all means start sending in those photos.