
Give that hard drive a second life (if you dare)

hackaday drive resurrection

Look, we're not saying you should do this. We're not advocating or recommending anything of the like. But if you've got a dead drive with some good data on it — and we know there are a lot of you out there who have one or more of these — then our boy Eliot over at hackaday might just have the thing for you. In a few lot of steps — and we should be clear here, not all of them are easy — his in-depth how to will have you well on your way to liberate your bits and bytes with a delicate platter transplant. What seems most obvious though (besides the fact that you're better off having professionals do this for you) is practicing over and over on old dummy drives before going into surgery. After all, you wouldn't want a heart transplant from a first year med student, now would you? Neither would we.