
Russell Beattie looks at the new PSP firmware

Mobile blogger extraordinaire, Russell Beattie, upgraded his PSP Firmware to 2.6 and has posted a hands-on first impression of the new functionalities on his blog. If any of you non-homebrewers out there are wondering about the upgrade, you might want to look over what Russell has written.

One part that I found interesting was a slight fault he finds with the PSP's new RSS capabilities (which are really all about podcasting). Russell notes, "Alright, that was fun. Now when do we get Video support? Seems like a huge missed opportunity! :-) And honestly, Ive got a 1GB memory stick in this bad boy, so itd be nice to have the option to download the files as well. Streaming is nice and convenient, but downloading is pretty useful."

Is it just me, or does it seem like Sony is trying to play catch up with the iPod and the iTMS with this recent addition of podcasting support? If so, I think Russell is right. They're lagging behind a bit.