
New Resident Evil screenies

Resident Evil:
Deadly Silence

After watching the video trailer of Capcom's re-REmake of Resident Evil earlier this month, it became apparent that Capcom was making every effort to appease survival-horror fans...well, at least the ones that enjoyed the series before Resident Evil 4fixed revitalized it. Yes, the static camera angles, obtuse "place the magical obsidian gem into the fish statue" puzzles and robotic aiming have all returned, but the allure of slashing zombies in first-person view and an apparent multiplayer mode will undoubtedly prove much too hard to resist.

Still, it would have been far better to see the game drop the fixed camera angles and adopt an over-the-shoulder view with precise, stylus-driven aiming. The environments are all real-time now, so why not? Why can't you use the guns in first-person mode? And how about a Nintendogs-esque mini-game where you attempt to train a chained zombie, only to have him nibble your arm off at unexpected intervals? Ponder these questions while you absorb the new and very bloody screenshots of the game.

[Correction: Upon closer scrutiny (thanks el pero de nate), it seems we gave this remake a bit too much credit. The environments aren't real-time, but we still stand by our ideas for making the game better.]