
360 on the road in New Zealand

The Xbox 360 is set to launch in both Australia and New Zealand on March 2nd and they are planning road trips for both countries. In Australia a group of utes, basically a light truck, are going to travel the country outfitted with flat panel displays and 360s. In New Zealand a specially outfitted bus will be providing very much the same service, complete with flat panels and 360s.

Xbox 360 will be touring the country throughout March in the giant Xbox 360 Bus and things will be going off with live demos, hot giveaways and even the chance to meet the sizzling Joanna Dark. And it doesn't get much better than playing an amazing line-up of Xbox 360 games running on hi-def Samsung screens inside our specially constructed air-conditioned bus.

If there're any Xbox 360 fanboys (or girls) out there in Oceania, grab some pictures and send 'em in. Oh, and if you meet the, uh... sizzling Joanna Dark, and happen to have a camera...

[Via GameSHOUT]