
Steve Jobs: capitalist, Bill Gates: philanthropist

Say what you will about Bill Gates (and I am sure you can say many things), but the man is concerned about the world, and he puts his money where his mouth is. Using the Gates Foundation, Bill has given away more money than either you or I will ever make in our life times (unless you're Bill Gates and you're reading this in your massive mountaintop retreat). But what about his Steveness?

Leander Kahney, of Wired News, wonders if Steve deserves his rock-star-like status, given that he isn't known for his charitable works (Leander grants that Jobs might give anonymously). Sure, you have to admire Jobs for having a vision and sticking to it, but shouldn't Gates get more credit for his work?

What do you think, readers: are we cutting Steve too much slack, or does he deserve to be put on such a high pedestal?

Thanks, AJ Ballou.